Monday, April 27, 2009

Where I get my coupons from....

Ok I have been getting alot of questions about where I get my coupons so I decided to let you guys in on my secret which really isn't a secret at all! :)

Most of the time when I follow blogs and get coupon matchups they are coupons from the Sunday paper which I buy a few of and I get one from my mom. There are also printables that they will match up that I will print off of my home computer, my moms computer, her office computer and if I can get up there my dads and my Mimi's. Basically anyone that I know doesn't coupon or doesn't need the specific coupon I do I will ask to use their computer to print them off. Bricks coupons and Smartsource coupons go by your IP address and will only let you print it twice. Once it prints the first time you hit the back button and then refresh and it will print again. There are a few pdf file coupons that are few and far between but those you can print as many as you can on one computer.

Now lets take for example last week. There were really great coupons and I wasn't able to pick up a paper and my mom was out of town so someone threw the paper away before I could get it. If something comes on sale that is free or under .30 a piece I will look on or and see if I can find that coupon. Alot of people on Ebay tend to dumpster dive or they work for a grocery store and know the guys that come and pick up old papers and where they recycle. I wish I had this source so I could go search for tons of coupons! I will not pay more than $2 or $3 for coupons and thats including shipping because otherwise you aren't getting a good deal. You have to weigh what you are spending on the coupons and how much the item will be after coupons. Currently at my local Kroger Angel Soft toilet paper 4 packs are on sale for $1, there were .50 coupons last week that I missed and my store doubles them so they would be free BUT on ebay a set of 20 coupons is going for around $8 to $10 bucks which makes it not worth it to me because I have other coupons to make other toilet paper cheaper.

I think thats it but if you think of any questions just leave a comment!!

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