This year has been hard financially for many people in the US and Christmas makes it even harder. So although giving to charities may not be on your radar for a gift this season but it maybe the cheapest and easiest way to give gifts this season! I am involved in a website called who is supporting this charity. So I decided to get involved! I bought their little black box as a gift that includes a wrist band and a donation to charity! There are several different options as well and here is some more information on the charity itself along with the link to the site!
Almost a billion people on the planet don’t have access to clean drinking water. That’s one in eight of us. charity: water is a non-profit organization bringing clean and safe drinking water to people in developing nations. 100% of public donations directly fund water projects. Learn more or donate.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Its been too long!
With everything going on lately I have neglected my blog! Football cheerleading is over and of course there isn't much of a break then basketball cheerleading starts up! Not much has been going on besides cheerleading, Clemson football, and family. Darien is applying for a new position at work and I am praying he gets it. He has done so well with his job that I cannot imagine that he won't but of course we want what God has planned for us. I have tried getting another job watching a little girl but no luck with that. We are also still trying to figure out when the best time to try for another baby is. I would love to try for a girl and as much as I have the baby itch I am not sure I really want another baby next year. We are just starting to get alot more things changed with the cheerleading program and it would be hard to add another baby to the picture along with competitions, practice, games... Maybe in a year or so....
Well I need to get off and try and get some things done around the house! :) I hope I will write more soon!
Well I need to get off and try and get some things done around the house! :) I hope I will write more soon!
Monday, August 24, 2009
My life in a nutshell... Getting it all together
Ok so I need to vent and what better place to do that but on your own blog!! :) So my goal in highschool was to get married and have kids partly because I always wanted what I didn't have growing up and because I love kids. Case in point... Im married with 2 boys who are my life! I never really wanted anything until I had them and I honestly never thought I was really that good at anything until I had kids. Once I had them I wanted more for them and realized that I cut myself short before I had them and Im not the example that I want to show for them. As any mother I want them to grow up and fulfill their dreams and shoot for the stars, go to college, enjoy life! Growing up I dealt with too much enternally and was never able really be who I could have been. I found cheerleading to be that outlet and really thrived in the sport but it filled a whole that I didn't want to fill with anything else. I had to work really hard to get c's in highschool and that was enough for me because I didn't really want to go to college anyways. I always played it off like I only wanted babies and a dream marriage but in reality (don't get me wrong I truely wanted kids and marriage) I didn't really thing I was good at anything to go to college for plus I knew I wasn't good in school so why put myself through 4 years of just getting by.
So of course I went to college, had no idea what I was in for, took too many hours, had cheerleading on top of it plus I was 5 hrs away from home with no car so needless to say I failed out... Lost my scholarship and cheerleading squad which was the biggest dissapointment for me. I came back home feeling like more of a failure than I had in my entire life and I had some seriously failure feelings before... I tried going to a tech school for a semester and although I did well I didn't have the funds to keep taking classes and so I got a full time job as a secretary. Here is where life just got worse... I tried making friends because all of mine were in school. I made a friend that I will never regret making but the choices I made with this friend weren't the greatest. As a 19 year old I was working a full time job like an adult but my friends were in college living life as a college student and as a girl who never really faced the depression and issues I had in the past my emotions spiraled out of control and I ended up drinking to get rid of those feelings. WRONG CHOICE! A year after I started this full time job I ended up having to quit due to getting kicked out of my house. I don't really blame my mom. Im not sure as a mother I would have been able to keep my child who was spiraling out of control under the roof with a 9 year old child but at the time I didn't understand and I just wanted to feel like I wasn't drowning anymore.
I ran to my dad in Greenville and without him I probably would have landed at my friends house which would have just aided my drowning instead of someone helping me out of this ocean of depression. Now don't get me wrong my dad never said "ok Amanda we fully support your habit of self destruction" it was more that he accepted me and was supportive of me. He gave me a feeling of stability that I seemed to lack at the time. I ended up taking some more classes and did pretty well but started working full time and got another job along with that so I only did one semester got another job in which I met some more destructive friends although I didnt realize it yet again at the time. The only light in the dark spot was I met Darien. My destructive friends introduced me to this goofy guy who made dumb jokes and who he and I had a certain banter that was fun. He was a Clemson fan which was probably the biggest attraction for me when we met but other than that he was a good friend.
Darien smoked which I hated and I think he wanted to impress me so much he cut way back while we were friends and at some point quit altogether. He was always there being the one friend who reminded me of who I truley was not this person or shell that I had become. After hitting rock bottom, moving in with my desctructive friends, and adding drugs to my drinking I thought I was never going to pick up the pieces. My mom who I had kinda put out of thought out of mind at the point got me to come home a few times to help them open their new icecream stores and I reconnected with old friends(good friends) and after I opened my eyes to my destructive friends crazy personalities I decided to get out. My mom let me move back home and I was determined to get my life straight. Darien and I still talked constantly and I encouraged him to get his life right with me. Columbia was a good move for me and after only falling off the wagon once I really thrived managing my moms store. I enjoyed actually doing well at something! In 2005 Darien and I got engaged and planned on getting married that next summer and in July 2006 and a month later we got pregnant with our first son. 3 years later we now have 2 wonderful boys that I love so much! I am coaching cheerleading, blogging, and this week I will start watching a littler girl named Karsyn. I have alot going on and I don't really want to add to it I just wish I had a skill or that I could finish college so that I can say LOOK boys! I raised you and I still did something with my life because I had a dream! But what am I good at?? I'm good with kids, I love photography, I like teaching(albiet cheerleading), I love medecine and helping people but what do I do? And why do I feel like I need to make something of myself? Really my question is why do I feel so lost? I wish I would have taken advantage of the opportunities when I had them but I didn't know what I know now back then and I didn't really know who I was on top of that. I can't afford to go back to school and if I even went back I don't have the time. I know I shouldn't be so hard on myself but I feel like I should be better! As a mom, as a wife, as a person! I guess I have high goals this time around and I don't know how to achieve them... Ok I got that out! Thanks for listening if you did!
So of course I went to college, had no idea what I was in for, took too many hours, had cheerleading on top of it plus I was 5 hrs away from home with no car so needless to say I failed out... Lost my scholarship and cheerleading squad which was the biggest dissapointment for me. I came back home feeling like more of a failure than I had in my entire life and I had some seriously failure feelings before... I tried going to a tech school for a semester and although I did well I didn't have the funds to keep taking classes and so I got a full time job as a secretary. Here is where life just got worse... I tried making friends because all of mine were in school. I made a friend that I will never regret making but the choices I made with this friend weren't the greatest. As a 19 year old I was working a full time job like an adult but my friends were in college living life as a college student and as a girl who never really faced the depression and issues I had in the past my emotions spiraled out of control and I ended up drinking to get rid of those feelings. WRONG CHOICE! A year after I started this full time job I ended up having to quit due to getting kicked out of my house. I don't really blame my mom. Im not sure as a mother I would have been able to keep my child who was spiraling out of control under the roof with a 9 year old child but at the time I didn't understand and I just wanted to feel like I wasn't drowning anymore.
I ran to my dad in Greenville and without him I probably would have landed at my friends house which would have just aided my drowning instead of someone helping me out of this ocean of depression. Now don't get me wrong my dad never said "ok Amanda we fully support your habit of self destruction" it was more that he accepted me and was supportive of me. He gave me a feeling of stability that I seemed to lack at the time. I ended up taking some more classes and did pretty well but started working full time and got another job along with that so I only did one semester got another job in which I met some more destructive friends although I didnt realize it yet again at the time. The only light in the dark spot was I met Darien. My destructive friends introduced me to this goofy guy who made dumb jokes and who he and I had a certain banter that was fun. He was a Clemson fan which was probably the biggest attraction for me when we met but other than that he was a good friend.
Darien smoked which I hated and I think he wanted to impress me so much he cut way back while we were friends and at some point quit altogether. He was always there being the one friend who reminded me of who I truley was not this person or shell that I had become. After hitting rock bottom, moving in with my desctructive friends, and adding drugs to my drinking I thought I was never going to pick up the pieces. My mom who I had kinda put out of thought out of mind at the point got me to come home a few times to help them open their new icecream stores and I reconnected with old friends(good friends) and after I opened my eyes to my destructive friends crazy personalities I decided to get out. My mom let me move back home and I was determined to get my life straight. Darien and I still talked constantly and I encouraged him to get his life right with me. Columbia was a good move for me and after only falling off the wagon once I really thrived managing my moms store. I enjoyed actually doing well at something! In 2005 Darien and I got engaged and planned on getting married that next summer and in July 2006 and a month later we got pregnant with our first son. 3 years later we now have 2 wonderful boys that I love so much! I am coaching cheerleading, blogging, and this week I will start watching a littler girl named Karsyn. I have alot going on and I don't really want to add to it I just wish I had a skill or that I could finish college so that I can say LOOK boys! I raised you and I still did something with my life because I had a dream! But what am I good at?? I'm good with kids, I love photography, I like teaching(albiet cheerleading), I love medecine and helping people but what do I do? And why do I feel like I need to make something of myself? Really my question is why do I feel so lost? I wish I would have taken advantage of the opportunities when I had them but I didn't know what I know now back then and I didn't really know who I was on top of that. I can't afford to go back to school and if I even went back I don't have the time. I know I shouldn't be so hard on myself but I feel like I should be better! As a mom, as a wife, as a person! I guess I have high goals this time around and I don't know how to achieve them... Ok I got that out! Thanks for listening if you did!
Friday, July 31, 2009
Marshmallow Fondant and Icing Dough
So I don't like normal fondant because its just not very yummy so when I decorate cakes I tend to only use icing and pipe things which anyone will tell you isn't always the cleanest. You can work really hard for clean lines that don't always happen. So your next option is fondant which is pretty easy to work with and makes a very smooth surface on cakes but as I said before its not very tasty. So after some googling and a helpful nudge from a friend who tried it I decided to play with marshmallow fondant! It was super easy albiet messy!
Grab a bag of marshmallows, crisco, powdered sugar, and a little water.
Put the bag of marshmallows and 3tbl of water in a glass bowl and microwave for 30 seconds, stir. Do this at 30sec intervals until the marshmallows are melted. It should take about 3 minutes total. Let this cool for a few minutes because if you start mixing it while its still hot you will have a huge mess and its harder to mix. Now take your crisco and grease your surface VERY WELL!!! Also COVER your hands in crisco after you do this next step.
Add 3/4ths of the bag of powdered sugar(2lb bag)to the top of the marshmallows and mix with your greased hands. Once you have it mixed together pour out onto your surface and continue to knead like bread dough. If it seems to dry add water and if it seems too wet then add more powdered sugar. I had to regrease my hands several times as well as my surface just FYI.
Knead until you have a smooth ball of marshmallow ball and cover with crisco then place in a ziplock bag. Before you close the bag try and get all of the air out. This should stay good for a week or two.
You can do the same thing with a can of white icing and powdered sugar without adding the water.
Grab a bag of marshmallows, crisco, powdered sugar, and a little water.
Put the bag of marshmallows and 3tbl of water in a glass bowl and microwave for 30 seconds, stir. Do this at 30sec intervals until the marshmallows are melted. It should take about 3 minutes total. Let this cool for a few minutes because if you start mixing it while its still hot you will have a huge mess and its harder to mix. Now take your crisco and grease your surface VERY WELL!!! Also COVER your hands in crisco after you do this next step.
Add 3/4ths of the bag of powdered sugar(2lb bag)to the top of the marshmallows and mix with your greased hands. Once you have it mixed together pour out onto your surface and continue to knead like bread dough. If it seems to dry add water and if it seems too wet then add more powdered sugar. I had to regrease my hands several times as well as my surface just FYI.
Knead until you have a smooth ball of marshmallow ball and cover with crisco then place in a ziplock bag. Before you close the bag try and get all of the air out. This should stay good for a week or two.
You can do the same thing with a can of white icing and powdered sugar without adding the water.
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Freebie Friday 7/31
Catch Freebie Fridays on WTE!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Catching Up!
Here are pictures of Noah's bday party!! And a month in review!
I realized I haven't posted in awhile which makes me kinda sad but so many things have been going on recently it doesn't surprise me. We rarely have a weekend without something going on and with cheerleading coming so much closer I have had alot to get done. This past weekend we went to pick blueberries which I have been excited about since April!! I picked 2 gallons worth while Conner mostly ate all the ones he picked and Darien walked around with Noah who couldn't be put down due to all of the old smashed blueberries on the ground that he surely would have picked up and ate!! So I froze some, the boys are still eating a ton! and I made blueberry jelly out of some!! I think next time I will invest in a strainer the get some of the seeds out but Conner loves his blueberry jelly sandwiches!
I wish I remembered to take pictures of things!! Then you could have seen the mess I made making the stupid jelly! I was doing too many things at once AND neither boys had naps (Noah's story later) so it was a crazy thing to do while dealing with all of that but it still turned out pretty good!
Ok so we went at 12 which was a bad idea in the first place but hubs HAD to eat lunch which was pizza which takes forever to heat up. So its hot and we stayed an hour and I promised Conner that we would stop and get icecream which we did so it was 2:30 by the time we got home. Darien got Noah's diaper changed and put him in his crib. Conner however I knew would sleep way too long so I let him skip his nap. About 45 minutes later I hear him laughing and then crying so I walk up to just lay him back down and as soon as I step in the door I am struck by the smell of poop! Oh and Noah is just grinning so big like HI MOM!!! He has no diaper on and there is poop everywhere!! All in his hands, around his face, ALL OVER the crib!! Seriously I have NO idea how one small child could get so much poop all over the place!! I quickly screamed for Darien and handed him off to him so he could get him in the bath ASAP. I stripped the bed and went to cleaning and quickly realized that he must have touched every inch of that crib with his poopy hands!! Now Conner had a poop accident in his crib before but it was at about 20 mths old and he pooped and peed in the corners of the crib but stayed away from playing in the poop. So this was a new experience and one that I would rather not relive!!
I think thats it for now!
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Noah's Birthday Party!!
So my little monkey had his birthday party today and it went really well! I wish it hadn't been so hot outside but it was still fun! The food was great, the decorations were so cute, everyone had a blast and the most important of all is that Noah had a blast and entertained everyone! :) I hope to have pictures up soon but alas my son has hiddne my card reader and I cannot find it for the life of me! ugh! I think that was the most people we have ever had in our house before! Guess we need friends!
I am still in awe of how amazing our family is and we don't deserve it in the least but I love them and am so blessed to have them! I really enjoyed having it at our house because I had everything in order and didn't forget anything and it was easy clean up! :) All right its off to bed!! :) I promise to get the pictures up soon!!
I am still in awe of how amazing our family is and we don't deserve it in the least but I love them and am so blessed to have them! I really enjoyed having it at our house because I had everything in order and didn't forget anything and it was easy clean up! :) All right its off to bed!! :) I promise to get the pictures up soon!!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
A few simple recipes
I have totally slacked off on giving you recipes but I just made a few that I thought I would share!!
Grilled Scallops
10 Large Scallops
lemon pepper
1 tbl lemon juice
olive oil
In a small saute pan add a tbl of butter, garlic and chopped shallot and cook until shallot is soft. Then a tbl of lemon juice and wisk together. Pour into a small bowl(you will use this to baste the scallops on the grill. Pat your scallops dry and cover them with olive oil then sprinkle them with the salt, pepper and the lemon pepper. Place them on the grill and baste with your garlic butter sauce. Flip after 3 minutes and baste again. Take them off the gril and serve!! These are really yummy and the slight garlic and lemon flavors are super yummy!!
BBQ Chicken Sandwiches
3 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 container of your favorite BBQ sauce
hambuger buns
Place your chicken in the bottom of your crock pot them add the whole jar of bbq sauce. Cook on low for 4 to 6 hours then tear up with a fork and serve!!! Seriously thats all!!
Grilled Scallops
10 Large Scallops
lemon pepper
1 tbl lemon juice
olive oil
In a small saute pan add a tbl of butter, garlic and chopped shallot and cook until shallot is soft. Then a tbl of lemon juice and wisk together. Pour into a small bowl(you will use this to baste the scallops on the grill. Pat your scallops dry and cover them with olive oil then sprinkle them with the salt, pepper and the lemon pepper. Place them on the grill and baste with your garlic butter sauce. Flip after 3 minutes and baste again. Take them off the gril and serve!! These are really yummy and the slight garlic and lemon flavors are super yummy!!
BBQ Chicken Sandwiches
3 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 container of your favorite BBQ sauce
hambuger buns
Place your chicken in the bottom of your crock pot them add the whole jar of bbq sauce. Cook on low for 4 to 6 hours then tear up with a fork and serve!!! Seriously thats all!!
Noah's Monkey party!
So this Saturday is Noah's 1st birthday party and his actually birthday was yesterday just FYI :) I decided to make his party decorations instead of buying them all and so far I have only spent $.68 on things that I didn't have but I know that will grow a little because I am running to the craft store today. :) Im hoping that I can show you pictures as soon as possible but my son has hidden the card reader for my camera's card! I got the inspiration from this blog! Im really excited about how it will turn out and a little nervous about the cake but hopefully it will turn out better than I think it will!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Bilo Ad June 24th
Thank you Jenny at!!
Buy One Get One Deals
SH American Cheese Singles 12oz at $2
Pet Ice Cream 56oz at $4.99
Great Giant Co Tilapia Filets 16oz frozen Buy 1 Get 2
Steak-umm Burgers 32oz at $8.49
Hoan Bamboo Skewers at $1.29
Moore’s Marinades 16oz at $2.63
Vlasic Pickles 10-24 oz at $1.69
Nabisco Snackwell Cookies 6.5-7.75oz at $3.29
SH Butter-Me-Not 10 ct at .89¢
Emerald Trail Mix 5-5.6oz at $2.39
Lawry’s Seasoned Salt at $2.44
-.50/1 Lawry’s Spice Blends RP 5/17 (makes it .22¢ ea)
Kraft Mayo or Miracle Whip 32oz at $4.29
-$1/2 Kraft Mayonnaise 24 oz or larger SS 6/21 (makes it $1.64 ea)
Kraft Salad Dressing 14-16oz at $2.29
-$1 off Kraft Salad Dressing SS 6/21 (makes it .14¢ ea)
Kraft BBQ Sauce at $1.39
-.55/1 Kraft Barbecue Sauce SS 6/14
-.75/1 Kraft Barbecue Sauce SS 6/14
(either coupon makes it FREE)
Oscar Mayer Weiners or Beef Franks 14-16 oz at $3.29
-$1/2 Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs SS 6/21 (makes it $1.14 ea)
Lloyd’s BBQ 18oz at $6.99
-$1 off Lloyd’s Ribs Or Lloyd’s Tub SS 5/17 (makes it $2.49 ea)
-.75/1 Lloyd’s Ribs Or Lloyd’s Tub SS 5/17
Pop Secret Popcorn 6 pk at $3.49
-.50/2 Pop-Secret Microwave Popcorn SS 6/14
-$1/2 Pop-Secret Microwave Popcorn SS 6/14
(either coupon makes it $1.24 ea)
Lawry’s 30 min Marinade 12oz at $2.44
-.50/1 Lawry’s Marinades RP 5/17 (makes it .22¢ ea)
McCormick Grill Mates Blends or Seasoning Blends .7-3.4oz at $1.29
-.75/1 McCormick Spices RP 5/10
-.50/1 off McCormick Grill Mates RP 5/03
(either coupon makes it FREE)
French’s Yellow mustard 20oz at $2.15
-.50/1 French’s Mustard SS 6/21 or printable (makes it .07¢ ea)
(get SH mustard free, scroll down for details)
Dixie Ultra Plates 20ct at $2.65
-.50/1 Dixie or Dixie Ultra Paper Plates RP 5/10 (makes it .32¢ ea)
Dixie Napkins 200 ct at $2.65
Free Dixie Napkins wyb (2) Dixie Ultra Plates May All You Mag.
Hefty Plates 20-60 ct at $2.89
-.50/1 Hefty Plates or Bowls RP 6/21 (makes it .44¢ ea)
(Get SH Plates free, scroll down for details)
Hefty Easy Grip Cups 20ct at $2.89
-.75/1 or $1.50/2 Hefty Cups RP 5/17 (makes it .44¢ ea)
Other Deals
Red Ripe Strawberries 2lb $2.98
Walter’s white potatoes 5lb bag $2.99
Tropical Mangos .99each
Fresh Split Chicken Breasts Bonus Pk .99 lb
Assorted Pork Loin Chops $1.69 lb
Boneless Sirloin Tip Roast $2.49 lb
Boneless NY Strip Steak bonus pk $6.99 lb
Pork Spare ribs $1.99 lb
SH Pizza 20.5-32.7oz $2.98
Lip Lickin Fried Chicken Tenders $4.99 lb
Hormel Little Sizzlers Sausage links 12oz $1 ea
SH Yogurt Cups 6 oz .45 ea
Borden Shredded Cheese 8oz $1.66 ea
Powerade 10pk 12oz bottles $3.50 ea
Coke 2 liter $1 ea
Southern Home Original Bologna .89ea
Sunshine Cheez-its $2 ea
Fresh Express Salad Blends 6-12oz $2 ea
-.55/2 Fresh Express Greens, Ruby Reds, or Gourmet Salads SS 6/14
Johnsonville Smoked bratwurst or Italian sausage 13-16oz $2.99 ea
-.50/1 Johnsonville Smoked or Cooked Sausage SS 5/17 (makes it $1.99 ea)
Hillshire Deli Select Sandwich meat 9-10oz $2.99 ea
-.35/1 Hillshire Deli Selects RP 6/07
-.55/2 Hillshire Lunch meat printable (IE) or printable (FF)
Buitoni Fettuccine or Linguine $2 ea
-$1 off Buitoni Product printable (IE) or printable (FF)
Crystal Light On the Go sticks 8-10ct or 6-8 quart canister $2.50 ea
-$1 off Crystal Light Drink Product printable (IE) or printable (FF)
-$2/2 Crystal Light Drink Mix printable
General Mills Cereal Assorted Varieties $1.99 ea
-$1/2 General Mills Cereals, SS 6/14 or printable
-$1/3 General Mills Assorted Cereals SS 5/31
-.75/1 Fiber one printable
General Mills Cereal Bars 5-6 ct, Milk N Cereal, Chex Mix, or Fiber One $2.50 ea
-$1 off General Mills Fiber One Cereal or Chewy Bars found on select packages
-.60/1 Chex Mix bars printable
Edy’s Fruit Bars or Eskimo Pie Treats 6-12 ct $2.50 ea
-$1 off Eskimo Pie Item SS 5/31
-$1/2 Nestle Drumsticks or Eskimo Pie Frozen Snacks SS 6/14
-$1/2 Edy’s Dibs Frozen Snacks Or Edy’s Fruit Bars SS 6/14
Land O lakes butter quarters 16oz or spreadable w/ Canola oil 15oz $3 ea
-.55/1 Land O Lakes Butter with Canola Oil product RP 5/31
-.55/1 Land O Lakes Butter with Canola Oil Product printable
Daisy Sour cream 8oz reg or light $1 ea
-.60/1 Daisy Brand Sour Cream RP 5/31
-$1/2 Daisy Brand Sour Cream RP 5/31
T. Marzetti strawberry or blueberry glaze 12.5-14oz $1.69 ea
-$1/2 T. Marzetti Dips, Dressings, or Croutons printable
Shedd’s Country Crock spread $2 ea
-$1/2 Shedd’s Country Crock RP 5/17
-.25/1 Shedd’s Country Crock RP 5/17
-.35/1 Shedd’s Country Crock RP 5/17
Hunt’s Ketchup 24oz .99 ea
-.20/1 Hunt’s Tomato Ketchup SS 6/21
-$1/2 Hunt’s Ketchup SS 5/10
McCormick Grinders $1.88 ea
-$1 off McCormick Black Pepper or Garlic RP 5/10
-.75/1 off any McCormick Spice or Herb RP 4/05
Luzianne Tea 24ct family size reg or green tea excludes decaf $1.50 ea
-.60/1 Luzianne Tea Bags SS 6/21
Pam Cooking spray $2.50 ea
-$1/2 Pam Cooking Spray SS 6/21
-.35/1 Pam Cooking Spray SS 6/21
Crisco Cooking Oil 48oz $2.50 ea
-.55/1 Crisco Oil RP 6/07
Aquafresh premium toothpaste $2 ea
-$1/2 Aquafresh Premium Toothpastes SS 6/21
-$1 off Aquafresh Extreme Clean Toothpaste printable
Purex 2X liquid laundry det. 50oz $3 ea
-$1 off Purex Detergent found in select stores
-.35/1 Purex Ultra Concentrate SS 6/14
Reynold’s heavy duty aluminum foil 50 sq ft $3 ea
-.55/1 Reynold’s Aluminum Foil SS 6/07 or printable (IE) or printable (FF)
Scott Bath Tissue 8 rolls or Natural 8 Mega rolls $5.50 ea
-$1 off Scott Extra Soft Tissue SS 5/17, 6/14 printable or printable
Scott Paper Towels 8 reg or 6 Mega rolls naturals $5.50 ea
-$1 off Scott Naturals Paper Towels SS 5/17
**New** Buy Theirs Get Ours Free
Buy Carolina Pride Beef Franks, Get SH Beef Franks FREE, 16 oz
Buy Shedd’s Country Crock Deluxe Recipe Sides 23-24 oz., Get SH Heat & Serve Sides FREE
-$1 off Shedd’s Side Dishes RP 4/05 (exp 6/28)
Buy French’s Classic Yellow Mustard 14 oz, Try SH Classic Yellow Mustard 16 oz FREE
-.50/1 French’s Mustard SS 6/21 or printable (B1G1 this week!!)
Buy Hefty Everyday Styrofoam Plates, Try SH Foam Plates FREE, 50 ct
-.50/1 Hefty Plates or Bowls RP 6/21 (B1G1 this week!!)
Buy One Get One Deals
SH American Cheese Singles 12oz at $2
Pet Ice Cream 56oz at $4.99
Great Giant Co Tilapia Filets 16oz frozen Buy 1 Get 2
Steak-umm Burgers 32oz at $8.49
Hoan Bamboo Skewers at $1.29
Moore’s Marinades 16oz at $2.63
Vlasic Pickles 10-24 oz at $1.69
Nabisco Snackwell Cookies 6.5-7.75oz at $3.29
SH Butter-Me-Not 10 ct at .89¢
Emerald Trail Mix 5-5.6oz at $2.39
Lawry’s Seasoned Salt at $2.44
-.50/1 Lawry’s Spice Blends RP 5/17 (makes it .22¢ ea)
Kraft Mayo or Miracle Whip 32oz at $4.29
-$1/2 Kraft Mayonnaise 24 oz or larger SS 6/21 (makes it $1.64 ea)
Kraft Salad Dressing 14-16oz at $2.29
-$1 off Kraft Salad Dressing SS 6/21 (makes it .14¢ ea)
Kraft BBQ Sauce at $1.39
-.55/1 Kraft Barbecue Sauce SS 6/14
-.75/1 Kraft Barbecue Sauce SS 6/14
(either coupon makes it FREE)
Oscar Mayer Weiners or Beef Franks 14-16 oz at $3.29
-$1/2 Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs SS 6/21 (makes it $1.14 ea)
Lloyd’s BBQ 18oz at $6.99
-$1 off Lloyd’s Ribs Or Lloyd’s Tub SS 5/17 (makes it $2.49 ea)
-.75/1 Lloyd’s Ribs Or Lloyd’s Tub SS 5/17
Pop Secret Popcorn 6 pk at $3.49
-.50/2 Pop-Secret Microwave Popcorn SS 6/14
-$1/2 Pop-Secret Microwave Popcorn SS 6/14
(either coupon makes it $1.24 ea)
Lawry’s 30 min Marinade 12oz at $2.44
-.50/1 Lawry’s Marinades RP 5/17 (makes it .22¢ ea)
McCormick Grill Mates Blends or Seasoning Blends .7-3.4oz at $1.29
-.75/1 McCormick Spices RP 5/10
-.50/1 off McCormick Grill Mates RP 5/03
(either coupon makes it FREE)
French’s Yellow mustard 20oz at $2.15
-.50/1 French’s Mustard SS 6/21 or printable (makes it .07¢ ea)
(get SH mustard free, scroll down for details)
Dixie Ultra Plates 20ct at $2.65
-.50/1 Dixie or Dixie Ultra Paper Plates RP 5/10 (makes it .32¢ ea)
Dixie Napkins 200 ct at $2.65
Free Dixie Napkins wyb (2) Dixie Ultra Plates May All You Mag.
Hefty Plates 20-60 ct at $2.89
-.50/1 Hefty Plates or Bowls RP 6/21 (makes it .44¢ ea)
(Get SH Plates free, scroll down for details)
Hefty Easy Grip Cups 20ct at $2.89
-.75/1 or $1.50/2 Hefty Cups RP 5/17 (makes it .44¢ ea)
Other Deals
Red Ripe Strawberries 2lb $2.98
Walter’s white potatoes 5lb bag $2.99
Tropical Mangos .99each
Fresh Split Chicken Breasts Bonus Pk .99 lb
Assorted Pork Loin Chops $1.69 lb
Boneless Sirloin Tip Roast $2.49 lb
Boneless NY Strip Steak bonus pk $6.99 lb
Pork Spare ribs $1.99 lb
SH Pizza 20.5-32.7oz $2.98
Lip Lickin Fried Chicken Tenders $4.99 lb
Hormel Little Sizzlers Sausage links 12oz $1 ea
SH Yogurt Cups 6 oz .45 ea
Borden Shredded Cheese 8oz $1.66 ea
Powerade 10pk 12oz bottles $3.50 ea
Coke 2 liter $1 ea
Southern Home Original Bologna .89ea
Sunshine Cheez-its $2 ea
Fresh Express Salad Blends 6-12oz $2 ea
-.55/2 Fresh Express Greens, Ruby Reds, or Gourmet Salads SS 6/14
Johnsonville Smoked bratwurst or Italian sausage 13-16oz $2.99 ea
-.50/1 Johnsonville Smoked or Cooked Sausage SS 5/17 (makes it $1.99 ea)
Hillshire Deli Select Sandwich meat 9-10oz $2.99 ea
-.35/1 Hillshire Deli Selects RP 6/07
-.55/2 Hillshire Lunch meat printable (IE) or printable (FF)
Buitoni Fettuccine or Linguine $2 ea
-$1 off Buitoni Product printable (IE) or printable (FF)
Crystal Light On the Go sticks 8-10ct or 6-8 quart canister $2.50 ea
-$1 off Crystal Light Drink Product printable (IE) or printable (FF)
-$2/2 Crystal Light Drink Mix printable
General Mills Cereal Assorted Varieties $1.99 ea
-$1/2 General Mills Cereals, SS 6/14 or printable
-$1/3 General Mills Assorted Cereals SS 5/31
-.75/1 Fiber one printable
General Mills Cereal Bars 5-6 ct, Milk N Cereal, Chex Mix, or Fiber One $2.50 ea
-$1 off General Mills Fiber One Cereal or Chewy Bars found on select packages
-.60/1 Chex Mix bars printable
Edy’s Fruit Bars or Eskimo Pie Treats 6-12 ct $2.50 ea
-$1 off Eskimo Pie Item SS 5/31
-$1/2 Nestle Drumsticks or Eskimo Pie Frozen Snacks SS 6/14
-$1/2 Edy’s Dibs Frozen Snacks Or Edy’s Fruit Bars SS 6/14
Land O lakes butter quarters 16oz or spreadable w/ Canola oil 15oz $3 ea
-.55/1 Land O Lakes Butter with Canola Oil product RP 5/31
-.55/1 Land O Lakes Butter with Canola Oil Product printable
Daisy Sour cream 8oz reg or light $1 ea
-.60/1 Daisy Brand Sour Cream RP 5/31
-$1/2 Daisy Brand Sour Cream RP 5/31
T. Marzetti strawberry or blueberry glaze 12.5-14oz $1.69 ea
-$1/2 T. Marzetti Dips, Dressings, or Croutons printable
Shedd’s Country Crock spread $2 ea
-$1/2 Shedd’s Country Crock RP 5/17
-.25/1 Shedd’s Country Crock RP 5/17
-.35/1 Shedd’s Country Crock RP 5/17
Hunt’s Ketchup 24oz .99 ea
-.20/1 Hunt’s Tomato Ketchup SS 6/21
-$1/2 Hunt’s Ketchup SS 5/10
McCormick Grinders $1.88 ea
-$1 off McCormick Black Pepper or Garlic RP 5/10
-.75/1 off any McCormick Spice or Herb RP 4/05
Luzianne Tea 24ct family size reg or green tea excludes decaf $1.50 ea
-.60/1 Luzianne Tea Bags SS 6/21
Pam Cooking spray $2.50 ea
-$1/2 Pam Cooking Spray SS 6/21
-.35/1 Pam Cooking Spray SS 6/21
Crisco Cooking Oil 48oz $2.50 ea
-.55/1 Crisco Oil RP 6/07
Aquafresh premium toothpaste $2 ea
-$1/2 Aquafresh Premium Toothpastes SS 6/21
-$1 off Aquafresh Extreme Clean Toothpaste printable
Purex 2X liquid laundry det. 50oz $3 ea
-$1 off Purex Detergent found in select stores
-.35/1 Purex Ultra Concentrate SS 6/14
Reynold’s heavy duty aluminum foil 50 sq ft $3 ea
-.55/1 Reynold’s Aluminum Foil SS 6/07 or printable (IE) or printable (FF)
Scott Bath Tissue 8 rolls or Natural 8 Mega rolls $5.50 ea
-$1 off Scott Extra Soft Tissue SS 5/17, 6/14 printable or printable
Scott Paper Towels 8 reg or 6 Mega rolls naturals $5.50 ea
-$1 off Scott Naturals Paper Towels SS 5/17
**New** Buy Theirs Get Ours Free
Buy Carolina Pride Beef Franks, Get SH Beef Franks FREE, 16 oz
Buy Shedd’s Country Crock Deluxe Recipe Sides 23-24 oz., Get SH Heat & Serve Sides FREE
-$1 off Shedd’s Side Dishes RP 4/05 (exp 6/28)
Buy French’s Classic Yellow Mustard 14 oz, Try SH Classic Yellow Mustard 16 oz FREE
-.50/1 French’s Mustard SS 6/21 or printable (B1G1 this week!!)
Buy Hefty Everyday Styrofoam Plates, Try SH Foam Plates FREE, 50 ct
-.50/1 Hefty Plates or Bowls RP 6/21 (B1G1 this week!!)
Publix ad 6/24
Buy One Get One Deals
Curly’s Chicken or Pork With BBQ Sauce, 18 oz at $5.69
-.50/1 off any Curly’s BBQ printable
Oscar Mayer Beef Franks, 16 oz pkg, at $3.99
Free Oscar Mayer Franks home mailer
-$1/2 Oscar Mayer Franks printable
-$1 off OM Franks SS 4.19, 5/10, 6/21 or Kraft Food & Family June 09
Mt Olive Pickles, 16 to 46 oz, at $2.79
-.50/1 or Mt Olive product in store dispenser (if doubled makes it ea)
(note: look at bar code to see if coupon will double - if it starts with a 5 it will double, if a 9 it will not double)
Claussen Pickles or Spear or Sauerkraut, at $2.89
-$1/2 Claussen Pickles SS 5/10
-.75/1 Claussen Pickles SS 5/10
Kraft Barbecue Sauce, at $1.49
-$1 off Kraft BBQ Sauce printable
-.75/1 Kraft BBQ Sauce SS 6/14
Lawry’s 30 Minutes Marinade, at $2.85
-.50/1 Lawry’s Marinades RP 5/17
French’s Classic Yellow Mustard Squeeze Bottle, 14-oz bot at $1.89
-.35/1 French’s Classic Yellow Mustard SS 5/10
-.50/1 French’s Classic Yellow Mustard SS 5/10, 6/21 or printable
Lipton Family Size Tea bags, Ice Tea Brew, 24-ct box (Excluding Decaf) at $2.15
-$1 off any Lipton Tea Product “Family is it’s Own Reward” Booklet
-.60/1 Lipton Tea Bags RP 5/17
-.75/2 Lipton Tea Bags RP 5/17
Post Cereal, Selects, Grape Nuts, Grape Nuts Flakes, or Trail Mix Crunch, at $4.19
-$1/2 Post Shredded Wheat, Grape Nuts or Raisin Bran SS 6/21
Kellogg’s Cereal: Frosted Flakes, Apple Jacks, Corn Pops, or Froot Loops at $4.39
-$1 off any Kellogg’s Cereal RP 6/07
Land O Lakes Spread, Fresh Buttery Taste, or Soft Margarine, at $1.89
$.55/1 off Land O Lakes Spread printable
Breyers Ice Cream, at $4.99
-.75/1 off Breyers RP 5/17
-$1.50/1 Breyer’s “Family is its own Reward” booklet
McCormick Pure Ground Black Pepper, at $3.59
-$1 off McCormick Black Pepper RP 5/10, 4/05
-$1 off McCormick Spice RP 4/05 or “Save Money, Save the Planet” Booklet (exp 6/30)
Crystal Light Drink or On the Go Mix at $3.99
-$2/2 Crystal Lights mixes printable
-$1 off Crystal Light printable
-$2/1 Crystal Light July All You
Ragu Pasta Sauce, at $2.19
-$1/2 Ragu Pasta Sauce printable (IE) or printable (FF)
-.75/1 Ragu Sauce “Family is it’s Own Reward” booklet
Kraft Velveeta Cheese, at $5.39
-$1 off Velveeta printable
Emerald Deluxe Mixed Nuts or Almonds or Cashews, at $5.79
-$1.50/2 Emerald Glazed Nuts SS 5/17
Tostitos Tortilla Chips, at $4.99
-$1 off Tostitos Dip wyb (2) Tostitos Chips tearpad
Nabisco Ritz Crackers, at $3.49
FREE Nabisco Wheat Thins Crackers Variety wyb (1) Ritz Crackers SS 5/17
-$1 off Ritz Crackers printable
Arm & Hammer Toothpaste, at $2.99
-$1 off Arm & Hammer Toothpaste printable
Kotex Pantyliners, 40 to 64-ct pkg or Tampons, 18-ct pkg at $3.19
-$1.50/2 Kotex Lightdays printable
-$1.50/2 Kotex Tampons printable
-.75/1 off Kotex Lightdays Pantiliners, 34ct+ SS 6/14
-$1 off Kotex Pads SS 6/14
-.75/1 off Kotex Security Tampons, 18ct+ SS 6/14r
Lysol Disinfectant Spray Cleaner, All Purpose, at $2.69
-.50/1 Lysol All Purpose SS 6/07 or printable
Mangos at $1
Betty Crocker Potatoes, at $1.59
Green Giant Canned Vegetables, 4 pk, at $4.99
Trident or Stride Gum, 4 pk, at $4.29
Other Deals
Milk 1 gallon, $2.25 to $2.99
Northwest Cherries $2.49lb
Baking Potatoes, 5 lb bag, $2.49 ea
-$2 off $5 in produce printable (Food Lion)
Pork Spareribs $1.69 lb
Whole Boneless Pork Loin $1.99 lb
7-Bone Chuck Pot Roast $2.69 lb
Boston Butt Roast $1.79 lb
Medium White Shrimp, 41 to 50ct $4.99 lb
Tennessee Pride Sausage Roll, $2.50 ea
-$1 off any Tennessee Pride product and ground beef RP 6/21
Publix Hot Family Combo Meal: $8.99
Rotisserie or 8 -piece Mixed Fried Chicken, (2) 16 oz sides, & (1) Rolls 4 pk
-$3 off $10 Deli or Bakery printable (Food Lion)
Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice, $3 ea
-$1/2 Tropicana Orange Juice RP 5/03
Maries Dressing, $2/50 ea
-$1 off Maries Dressing SS 5/31
Nestle Coffee-mate Flavored Creamers, 32 oz $2.50 ea
-.50/1 Nestle Coffee-Mate June All You, Mag.
-$1.50/2 Nestle Coffee-Mate printable
Pepperidge Farm Farmhouse Bread, 24 oz $1.99
-.75/1 Pepperidge Farm Bread printable (Target)
-.55/1 any Pepperidge Farm Whole Grain SS 6/14
King’s Hawaiian Rolls, $2.50 ea
-$1/2 Kings Hawaiian June or July All You
-.75/1 Kings Hawaiian printable
Sara Lee Desserts, 50% off
-$1 off Sara Lee Simple Sweets RP 4/19
-$1 off Sara Lee Simple Sweets Pie or Bites RP 6/07
-$1 off Sara Lee Cheesecake Item RP 5/17
Bird’s Eye Steamfresh Frozen Vegetables, or Corn on the Cobb, 4 ct, 50% off
-$1/2 Birds Eye Steamfresh Veges in store dispenser
Contessa Frozen Cooked Shrimp, 8 to 24-oz bag (Excluding Boxed Raw Items) 50% OFF
-$1.50/2 Contessa Shrimp products printable
Bertolli Skillet Dinner or Oven Bake Meals, $4.99 ea
-$1.25 off Bertolli Meals RP 6/07
-$1.50 off Bertolli Meals printable
-$2.50 off Bertolli Meals “Family is it’s Own Reward” booklet
Capri Sun Drinks or Roarin’ Waters, 10 pack, $2 ea
-.75/1 Capri Sun product Kraft Food & Family June 09t
-$1 off any Capri Sun Sunrise Product SS 4/19
Pepsi Products, 12 pk cans, Buy 4 Get 1 Free
Maxwell House or Seattle’s Best Coffee, $5.49 ea
-$2/2 Maxwell House printable
-$1.50 off Seattle’s Best printable (limit reached)
Nature Valley Granola Bars, Chex Mix Bars or Milk ‘n Cereal, $2 ea
-$1 off Yoplait wyb Nature Valley Granola Bars SS 6/14
-.75/2 Nature Valley Bars SS 5/31 or printable
-.60/1 Chex Mix Bars printable, printable or printable
Pringles Potato Crisps,$1.33 ea
-$1/2 Pringles Chips PG 5/17
-.50/1 Pringles Chips PG 6/07 f
Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Cookies, $2.50 ea
-.55/1 Nabisco Chips Ahoy! SS 5/17
-$1/2 any Nabisco product SS 4/19 (Target)
Gerber Graduates or 2nd Foods $1 ea
-.55/2 or .75/1 Gerber Foods home mailers
Slim Fast Optima Shake 12 pk $9.99 ea
-$1.25 off Slim Fast RP 5/17
-$1 off Sloim Fast RP 4/05
Various Slim Fast printables
One A Day Muiltivitamins, $6.99 ea
-$2.50/1 One A Day Vitamins Publix Family Style, May ‘09
-$2 off any One A Day products SS 6/14
-$1 off One A Day printable
Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner, $2 ea
-$.50/1 Lysol Toilet Cleaner SS 6/07 or printable
(this is not the lowest price but is good if you need it)
Charmin Bathroom Tissue,6 to 12 roll $6.49 ea
-.50/1 Charmin Tissue SS 6/21 (Target)
-.25/1 Charmin Tissue PG 6/07
Glad Tall Kitchen Bags or Trash Bags, 25 to 80 ct, $5.49 ea
-$1 off Glad, Force Flex Trash Bags, printable (IE) or printable (FF)
In Ad Coupons
$2.50 Off GE Energy Smart Compact Fluorescent Lighting Product, up to 6 ct
-$1 off GE Lights SS 4/19 or April All You Mag. or printable
Purchase 1 lb or More of Boar’s Head Turkey Breast and get 1/4 lb of Boar’s Head American Cheese
-$3 off $10 Deli purchase FL printable
Curly’s Chicken or Pork With BBQ Sauce, 18 oz at $5.69
-.50/1 off any Curly’s BBQ printable
Oscar Mayer Beef Franks, 16 oz pkg, at $3.99
Free Oscar Mayer Franks home mailer
-$1/2 Oscar Mayer Franks printable
-$1 off OM Franks SS 4.19, 5/10, 6/21 or Kraft Food & Family June 09
Mt Olive Pickles, 16 to 46 oz, at $2.79
-.50/1 or Mt Olive product in store dispenser (if doubled makes it ea)
(note: look at bar code to see if coupon will double - if it starts with a 5 it will double, if a 9 it will not double)
Claussen Pickles or Spear or Sauerkraut, at $2.89
-$1/2 Claussen Pickles SS 5/10
-.75/1 Claussen Pickles SS 5/10
Kraft Barbecue Sauce, at $1.49
-$1 off Kraft BBQ Sauce printable
-.75/1 Kraft BBQ Sauce SS 6/14
Lawry’s 30 Minutes Marinade, at $2.85
-.50/1 Lawry’s Marinades RP 5/17
French’s Classic Yellow Mustard Squeeze Bottle, 14-oz bot at $1.89
-.35/1 French’s Classic Yellow Mustard SS 5/10
-.50/1 French’s Classic Yellow Mustard SS 5/10, 6/21 or printable
Lipton Family Size Tea bags, Ice Tea Brew, 24-ct box (Excluding Decaf) at $2.15
-$1 off any Lipton Tea Product “Family is it’s Own Reward” Booklet
-.60/1 Lipton Tea Bags RP 5/17
-.75/2 Lipton Tea Bags RP 5/17
Post Cereal, Selects, Grape Nuts, Grape Nuts Flakes, or Trail Mix Crunch, at $4.19
-$1/2 Post Shredded Wheat, Grape Nuts or Raisin Bran SS 6/21
Kellogg’s Cereal: Frosted Flakes, Apple Jacks, Corn Pops, or Froot Loops at $4.39
-$1 off any Kellogg’s Cereal RP 6/07
Land O Lakes Spread, Fresh Buttery Taste, or Soft Margarine, at $1.89
$.55/1 off Land O Lakes Spread printable
Breyers Ice Cream, at $4.99
-.75/1 off Breyers RP 5/17
-$1.50/1 Breyer’s “Family is its own Reward” booklet
McCormick Pure Ground Black Pepper, at $3.59
-$1 off McCormick Black Pepper RP 5/10, 4/05
-$1 off McCormick Spice RP 4/05 or “Save Money, Save the Planet” Booklet (exp 6/30)
Crystal Light Drink or On the Go Mix at $3.99
-$2/2 Crystal Lights mixes printable
-$1 off Crystal Light printable
-$2/1 Crystal Light July All You
Ragu Pasta Sauce, at $2.19
-$1/2 Ragu Pasta Sauce printable (IE) or printable (FF)
-.75/1 Ragu Sauce “Family is it’s Own Reward” booklet
Kraft Velveeta Cheese, at $5.39
-$1 off Velveeta printable
Emerald Deluxe Mixed Nuts or Almonds or Cashews, at $5.79
-$1.50/2 Emerald Glazed Nuts SS 5/17
Tostitos Tortilla Chips, at $4.99
-$1 off Tostitos Dip wyb (2) Tostitos Chips tearpad
Nabisco Ritz Crackers, at $3.49
FREE Nabisco Wheat Thins Crackers Variety wyb (1) Ritz Crackers SS 5/17
-$1 off Ritz Crackers printable
Arm & Hammer Toothpaste, at $2.99
-$1 off Arm & Hammer Toothpaste printable
Kotex Pantyliners, 40 to 64-ct pkg or Tampons, 18-ct pkg at $3.19
-$1.50/2 Kotex Lightdays printable
-$1.50/2 Kotex Tampons printable
-.75/1 off Kotex Lightdays Pantiliners, 34ct+ SS 6/14
-$1 off Kotex Pads SS 6/14
-.75/1 off Kotex Security Tampons, 18ct+ SS 6/14r
Lysol Disinfectant Spray Cleaner, All Purpose, at $2.69
-.50/1 Lysol All Purpose SS 6/07 or printable
Mangos at $1
Betty Crocker Potatoes, at $1.59
Green Giant Canned Vegetables, 4 pk, at $4.99
Trident or Stride Gum, 4 pk, at $4.29
Other Deals
Milk 1 gallon, $2.25 to $2.99
Northwest Cherries $2.49lb
Baking Potatoes, 5 lb bag, $2.49 ea
-$2 off $5 in produce printable (Food Lion)
Pork Spareribs $1.69 lb
Whole Boneless Pork Loin $1.99 lb
7-Bone Chuck Pot Roast $2.69 lb
Boston Butt Roast $1.79 lb
Medium White Shrimp, 41 to 50ct $4.99 lb
Tennessee Pride Sausage Roll, $2.50 ea
-$1 off any Tennessee Pride product and ground beef RP 6/21
Publix Hot Family Combo Meal: $8.99
Rotisserie or 8 -piece Mixed Fried Chicken, (2) 16 oz sides, & (1) Rolls 4 pk
-$3 off $10 Deli or Bakery printable (Food Lion)
Tropicana Pure Premium Orange Juice, $3 ea
-$1/2 Tropicana Orange Juice RP 5/03
Maries Dressing, $2/50 ea
-$1 off Maries Dressing SS 5/31
Nestle Coffee-mate Flavored Creamers, 32 oz $2.50 ea
-.50/1 Nestle Coffee-Mate June All You, Mag.
-$1.50/2 Nestle Coffee-Mate printable
Pepperidge Farm Farmhouse Bread, 24 oz $1.99
-.75/1 Pepperidge Farm Bread printable (Target)
-.55/1 any Pepperidge Farm Whole Grain SS 6/14
King’s Hawaiian Rolls, $2.50 ea
-$1/2 Kings Hawaiian June or July All You
-.75/1 Kings Hawaiian printable
Sara Lee Desserts, 50% off
-$1 off Sara Lee Simple Sweets RP 4/19
-$1 off Sara Lee Simple Sweets Pie or Bites RP 6/07
-$1 off Sara Lee Cheesecake Item RP 5/17
Bird’s Eye Steamfresh Frozen Vegetables, or Corn on the Cobb, 4 ct, 50% off
-$1/2 Birds Eye Steamfresh Veges in store dispenser
Contessa Frozen Cooked Shrimp, 8 to 24-oz bag (Excluding Boxed Raw Items) 50% OFF
-$1.50/2 Contessa Shrimp products printable
Bertolli Skillet Dinner or Oven Bake Meals, $4.99 ea
-$1.25 off Bertolli Meals RP 6/07
-$1.50 off Bertolli Meals printable
-$2.50 off Bertolli Meals “Family is it’s Own Reward” booklet
Capri Sun Drinks or Roarin’ Waters, 10 pack, $2 ea
-.75/1 Capri Sun product Kraft Food & Family June 09t
-$1 off any Capri Sun Sunrise Product SS 4/19
Pepsi Products, 12 pk cans, Buy 4 Get 1 Free
Maxwell House or Seattle’s Best Coffee, $5.49 ea
-$2/2 Maxwell House printable
-$1.50 off Seattle’s Best printable (limit reached)
Nature Valley Granola Bars, Chex Mix Bars or Milk ‘n Cereal, $2 ea
-$1 off Yoplait wyb Nature Valley Granola Bars SS 6/14
-.75/2 Nature Valley Bars SS 5/31 or printable
-.60/1 Chex Mix Bars printable, printable or printable
Pringles Potato Crisps,$1.33 ea
-$1/2 Pringles Chips PG 5/17
-.50/1 Pringles Chips PG 6/07 f
Nabisco Chips Ahoy! Cookies, $2.50 ea
-.55/1 Nabisco Chips Ahoy! SS 5/17
-$1/2 any Nabisco product SS 4/19 (Target)
Gerber Graduates or 2nd Foods $1 ea
-.55/2 or .75/1 Gerber Foods home mailers
Slim Fast Optima Shake 12 pk $9.99 ea
-$1.25 off Slim Fast RP 5/17
-$1 off Sloim Fast RP 4/05
Various Slim Fast printables
One A Day Muiltivitamins, $6.99 ea
-$2.50/1 One A Day Vitamins Publix Family Style, May ‘09
-$2 off any One A Day products SS 6/14
-$1 off One A Day printable
Lysol Toilet Bowl Cleaner, $2 ea
-$.50/1 Lysol Toilet Cleaner SS 6/07 or printable
(this is not the lowest price but is good if you need it)
Charmin Bathroom Tissue,6 to 12 roll $6.49 ea
-.50/1 Charmin Tissue SS 6/21 (Target)
-.25/1 Charmin Tissue PG 6/07
Glad Tall Kitchen Bags or Trash Bags, 25 to 80 ct, $5.49 ea
-$1 off Glad, Force Flex Trash Bags, printable (IE) or printable (FF)
In Ad Coupons
$2.50 Off GE Energy Smart Compact Fluorescent Lighting Product, up to 6 ct
-$1 off GE Lights SS 4/19 or April All You Mag. or printable
Purchase 1 lb or More of Boar’s Head Turkey Breast and get 1/4 lb of Boar’s Head American Cheese
-$3 off $10 Deli purchase FL printable
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Wanna Win 5 new Fridgidaire Appliances???
Go here and register then tell them 5 things that you would do with an extra hour!!! I have about 50 but I had to narrow is down to 5 :) If you send to 5 friends you will be entered again AND if you play the daily dare you will be entered one more time each day you take the dare! I cannot tell you how bad I want to win this!! I never really win anything so I am hoping my luck comes in with this one!!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Potty Training Success!!
So when I decided to start potty training I honestly thought it was the scariest thing ever!! And after really going at it for a little over a month we have had success!!! Conner is not telling us when he needs to go and hasn't had an accident in a few weeks!! I am so proud of my growing littel boy! He is sleeping in his big boy bed and now slides off and knocks on the door in the morning which is sooo funny!! Now I need to just teach him how to open the door and go downstairs to watch cartoons!! He is still wearing a pull up at night and during naps just in case but he normally waits till he gets up to go potty. So we have been reusing a few pull ups which has really cut down on diaper costs! Since Noah will be one next week I officially have another year then we will get Noah potty trained and NO MORE DIAPERS!!
Hubs and I have decided that we could possible start trying for another baby next Christmas which means a baby in September of 2011! Man that seems so wierd! But Conner will be 4 and Noah 3 so that makes a pretty good age difference. I have kinda been going through baby and pregnancy withdrawl but thankfully to the Mirena I can't skip a pill! :) Not that I would because honestly even though I maybe going through withdrawl I really DON'T want another baby at the moment. Noahs been walking and its so fun to watch him get so excited with himself!! His birthday party is next Saturday so looks for those pictures Sunday or Monday!!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Father's day!!
Hubs and I have decided that we could possible start trying for another baby next Christmas which means a baby in September of 2011! Man that seems so wierd! But Conner will be 4 and Noah 3 so that makes a pretty good age difference. I have kinda been going through baby and pregnancy withdrawl but thankfully to the Mirena I can't skip a pill! :) Not that I would because honestly even though I maybe going through withdrawl I really DON'T want another baby at the moment. Noahs been walking and its so fun to watch him get so excited with himself!! His birthday party is next Saturday so looks for those pictures Sunday or Monday!!
I hope everyone has a wonderful Father's day!!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Put this family in your prayers!
Personally I don't know what its like to lose a child and I hope that I never have to but I have had friends lose babies and I personally have lost a grandfather and although I know it doesn't compare I can feel some of the hurt that this family is going through. My aunt Jenny knows a family that is losing their little girl after dealing with cancer for a year now. The doctors have said that she only has a little time left and she is spending that time at home with her family enjoying the small time that she has left. I read this mothers entries in her caringbridge site and think I hope to never have to walk in her shoes BUT if I ever have to I want to live like she is. To know that you are losing your own daughter and there is nothing you can do about it must be the hardest thing a parent has to go through. I look at my boys and think if for a moment I had to worry if they were going to live or die I just may go crazy! Anyways I wanted to share their site with you all and ask you to keep them in your prayers while they go through this time. Also remember to hug your babies a little tighter at night and remember even though you may here whining(as i do now) that at any moment they can be taken from you!
Thursday, June 4, 2009
Just one of those days!
So I have been waking up recently to Noah screaming because he decides that he wants to wake up at 645am and cry. He won't go back to sleep when I know that ultimatly he is still sleepy but he will literally just scream and scream until I come get him and heaven for bid I pick him up and put him into bed with me because he will just start crying yet again. So yes my morning started off like that yet again this morning and bless Darien who gets up and makes him a bottle while I try and shield my ears for a few more minutes. I laid in bed with him for a little bit then decided I needed to take a shower and about that time Noah decided he wanted to play which he typically does and knocks on the bathroom door to see his daddy getting ready for work. So I hop in the shower and close the curtain and he starts screaming again apparently because he cannot see me. Although opening the curtain and letting him stand at the end of the tub wasn't helping either. Now how do I manage a shower with a screaming child staring at me as if I just broke his heart! After the shower he followed me around as I cleaned up the newly folded clothes and hung them up as well as trying to get myself dressed for the day. Just a side note I just put him down for his nap like 30 min ago and he slept for 15 of the last 30 and is now crying AGAIN! Ok so back to the morning!
Im cleaning up my room and getting the clothes that were in Conners dresser out of my room now in his new dresser that match his new big boy bed! Oh yea he woke up at 845 which is earlier than he normally wakes up just fyi. I get him out of his pjs and he sits on the potty then not 10 minutes later he poops in his pants!! Seriously!! Anyways so I get all the rooms cleaned upstairs and both boys dressed while Noahs getting fussy and Im emailing on my Blackberry a few people about items I was interested in purchasing off At 930 I get the boys in the car and we head to Wachovia to see Darien and so I could get some cash. (ps Noahs still crying!) At 955 I realize Im going to be late meeting the first lady so I run out, yes not making Conner go to the potty which was my fault completely on this next oops. We make it across the dam at 1020 pick up some household items then off to my moms. We get to moms at about 1050 and I ask Conner 4 times if he needs to go potty but he keeps saying NO! Which the mom in me says make him go anyways but for some reason I trust my 2 year old that doesn't know any better which again is totally my fault! I got him some strawberries and put him in a stool and 5 minutes later he pees all over the stool and on the floor which I am furious about because of course he just said NO he didn't have to pee pee! So now Im trying to get Noahs lunch ready and get Conner cleaned up and its not even NOON!!!!!!!
Sometimes I wonder how my mother had 3 of us and didn't have family around! :)
Im cleaning up my room and getting the clothes that were in Conners dresser out of my room now in his new dresser that match his new big boy bed! Oh yea he woke up at 845 which is earlier than he normally wakes up just fyi. I get him out of his pjs and he sits on the potty then not 10 minutes later he poops in his pants!! Seriously!! Anyways so I get all the rooms cleaned upstairs and both boys dressed while Noahs getting fussy and Im emailing on my Blackberry a few people about items I was interested in purchasing off At 930 I get the boys in the car and we head to Wachovia to see Darien and so I could get some cash. (ps Noahs still crying!) At 955 I realize Im going to be late meeting the first lady so I run out, yes not making Conner go to the potty which was my fault completely on this next oops. We make it across the dam at 1020 pick up some household items then off to my moms. We get to moms at about 1050 and I ask Conner 4 times if he needs to go potty but he keeps saying NO! Which the mom in me says make him go anyways but for some reason I trust my 2 year old that doesn't know any better which again is totally my fault! I got him some strawberries and put him in a stool and 5 minutes later he pees all over the stool and on the floor which I am furious about because of course he just said NO he didn't have to pee pee! So now Im trying to get Noahs lunch ready and get Conner cleaned up and its not even NOON!!!!!!!
Sometimes I wonder how my mother had 3 of us and didn't have family around! :)
Mambo Giveaway!!!
Thanks to Jenny at for finding this great giveaway for those of you that are creative cookers!!
Mambo Sprouts, a company and website that helps organize savings and coupons for organic products, is having a great contest right now.
They are looking for tasty original recipes featuring natural and organic products. The first place winners in each category will receive gift cards and an assortment of natural and organic products valued at approximately $600. One grand-prize winner will take home $2,500 cash plus products and prizes with a total package value of approximately $4,000!
The contest ends on June 15th and you can enter online .
Here is the link!
Mambo Sprouts, a company and website that helps organize savings and coupons for organic products, is having a great contest right now.
They are looking for tasty original recipes featuring natural and organic products. The first place winners in each category will receive gift cards and an assortment of natural and organic products valued at approximately $600. One grand-prize winner will take home $2,500 cash plus products and prizes with a total package value of approximately $4,000!
The contest ends on June 15th and you can enter online .
Here is the link!
Monday, June 1, 2009
Bzzing about Windex new outdoor window cleaning system
Ok so if you haven't seen the link down on the left hand screen for the Bzzagent link then you won't know what I am talking about so here I will explain what it is first! Bzzagent is a site that lets its members try out new products and review them as well as telling others about those new products! The goal is obviously for the manufacturer to get cheap advertising through word of mouth. This is the first site that I have found that I really like and is pretty easy to move up in your BzzAgent position to be able to get better campaigns! Recently I have tried Afrin Pure Sea nasal spray, Glade's new candles that are AMAZING! and currently the Window's All in one Outdoor window cleaner.
I opened the small box excited about trying this out since I hate washing and climbing up ladders to get to the windows in the first place! The kit comes with a long handle that was easy to put together and one pad which says that it will clean up to 20 windows. First you are suppose to wet the windows with a hose which I did and then realized my second story windows were not easily reached so all I could do was the first floor windows. I soaked the windows then went to cleaning! Now the pad is very easy to use but you don't really know if you are actually cleaning them or not or just moving around dirt. It looked like I was getting them though so that was good. It was a pretty hot day so I had to go back and wet a few of the windows that I had already done.
I have to say that overall this isn't what I thought it was and probably not a product that I will buy again. I loved the idea of the product but ultimatly I will be going back to my old trusty paper towel and Windex solution!
I opened the small box excited about trying this out since I hate washing and climbing up ladders to get to the windows in the first place! The kit comes with a long handle that was easy to put together and one pad which says that it will clean up to 20 windows. First you are suppose to wet the windows with a hose which I did and then realized my second story windows were not easily reached so all I could do was the first floor windows. I soaked the windows then went to cleaning! Now the pad is very easy to use but you don't really know if you are actually cleaning them or not or just moving around dirt. It looked like I was getting them though so that was good. It was a pretty hot day so I had to go back and wet a few of the windows that I had already done.
I have to say that overall this isn't what I thought it was and probably not a product that I will buy again. I loved the idea of the product but ultimatly I will be going back to my old trusty paper towel and Windex solution!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
Weekend at Dads
Want a little music to listen to as you get your coupons ready??
Join the Free on I Tunes fan club on facebook and get 4 free albums and songs:
-Spring into Summer Mix (exp 8/31)
-World Music Mix (exp 5/31)
-Travel Channel Passport to Spring Break TV shows (exp 5/31)
-Nike+ Original Run Mix (exp 8/31)
Get a Free Album from Coldplay
Amazon has a free sampler album 1959 - Jazz’s Greatest Year
Get over 500 other Free MP3s from Amazon
Free Better than Ezra song “Aboslutely Still”
Join the Free on I Tunes fan club on facebook and get 4 free albums and songs:
-Spring into Summer Mix (exp 8/31)
-World Music Mix (exp 5/31)
-Travel Channel Passport to Spring Break TV shows (exp 5/31)
-Nike+ Original Run Mix (exp 8/31)
Get a Free Album from Coldplay
Amazon has a free sampler album 1959 - Jazz’s Greatest Year
Get over 500 other Free MP3s from Amazon
Free Better than Ezra song “Aboslutely Still”
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Want to try Blue Bunny free?
Blue bunny wants you to try their new products free!!
They have 2 new products out called Sedona which are like icecream sandwiches and Aspen which are chocolate covered icecream bars! Just buy between May 23rd and May 25th then fill out the rebate form and send in and they will send you a check for the full amount! Here is the rebate form!
They have 2 new products out called Sedona which are like icecream sandwiches and Aspen which are chocolate covered icecream bars! Just buy between May 23rd and May 25th then fill out the rebate form and send in and they will send you a check for the full amount! Here is the rebate form!
Been tooo long!
Hello!!! Sorry its been so long! I wish it were easier to get to this from my phone but its not and its hard to get on the computer these days with 2 crazy boys attacking me and the computer! Both boys are now sick which I have to say is really wearing me out. Conner has been sick with a viral infection since Friday and he is still sleeping but I'm hoping when he wakes up he will be feeling a little better. Noah just got it from his big brother and had a pretty high fever yesterday but hopefully it doesn't stick around as long as Conner has had it! The thing about viral infections is that you can't do anything for them except fluids and motrin! Makes me feel really helpless as a mom just watching Conner lay on the couch when he is my active never want to come inside child. We also put potty training on the back burner since he got sick... Not sure what's gonna happen and how he will react when we go back to it when he is feeling better. Noah being sick is the worst because he can't lay on the couch and sleep all day! He just wants mama to hold him which gets exhausting after a few hours of 25lbs of baby! He will be 11mths on Sunday which kills me! I can't believe how fast he is growing up! We had Conners party on the 10th and he was so insane that he just turned 2! Time really does go by faster when you have kids.
Let's see what else is new... Cheerleading tryouts are over and although the middle school had an issue which ill go into later overall they went pretty well and I'm excited about this upcoming year. It should be a good one if everything comes together!
Oh the little girl that I'm watching in about 10 weeks was just born yesterday!!! I'm not sure of details since Haley was pretty tired but she did say SHE IS hERE and beautiful! I'm excited about watching a little girl! I wonder what the boys will think having a little girl in the house!
Ok gotta get Noah! Ill post again later on! I did have some great grocery trips this week that I want to share!!
Let's see what else is new... Cheerleading tryouts are over and although the middle school had an issue which ill go into later overall they went pretty well and I'm excited about this upcoming year. It should be a good one if everything comes together!
Oh the little girl that I'm watching in about 10 weeks was just born yesterday!!! I'm not sure of details since Haley was pretty tired but she did say SHE IS hERE and beautiful! I'm excited about watching a little girl! I wonder what the boys will think having a little girl in the house!
Ok gotta get Noah! Ill post again later on! I did have some great grocery trips this week that I want to share!!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy Birthday CONNER!!
My baby is now 2!!! I can't believe how fast it went and of course in just a month and a half I will have a 2 yr old and a 1 yr old!! Saturday's party went great and we had alot of fun! My wonderful SIL Caryn flew in for the party and surprised my FIL and Darien! I have some pictures that I will put up when I can! I made his cake which turned out great but was super frustrating! Not sure I want to try using a mold that you have to glue together with icing to work! Probably would have been easier to carve the dumb thing! Or maybe not but either way it turned out pretty well. When Noah's party come around Im sure that Conner will be confused that its not his party too! :) After this busy busy weekend I have cheerleading tryouts all week next week that I am trying to fully prepare for but its a tad overwhelming! Thank you all who came to the party and we love all of our family and friends that love our kids so much!
Friday, May 8, 2009
My new account!!
So after a little thinking on my part and dealing with $200 cash in my wallet each month Darien and decided it would be a good idea to open my own account that is connected to our joint account for groceries and my landscaping funds. With working some at the Slab, daycare starting August 10th, and cheerleading it seemed like great opportunity! Im so excited that I can't stand it! LOL God has really blesses us with this saving money stuff because we have been doing really well with our budget. We have been able to pay all of our bills and still have money left over at the end of the month!! I know this may seem stupid but living pay check to pay check wondering if we will have any money left at the end of the month was definatly not fun! OH and on another topic Conner has been pretty much potty trained during the day!! YAY!! Ok Well thats i for now because I have a ton to do today before Conners bday party tomorrow!!! AHHHHHH
Friday, May 1, 2009
Been awhile and now I can't stop posting!!
My new project!
My latest project is my yard. I have wanted to landscape practically since we moved in since there are hardly any trees and no flowers at all so I tried to add up what it would cost me and set out. I knew I couldn't really budget it into our income so I needed to make some! Currently I am working some at Marble Slab to help out and try to increase my landscaping funds! Most of what I want to do isn't too expensive and Ive been digging out the ground myself which saving money but totally hard work!! What is expensive is that I would love a dwarf Japanese maple but its the most expensive of whats on my list. I decided that I am not backing down on this and if it takes a year or two of my yard looking horrible then so be it! :) I know my mom understands this as we lived in construction for YEARS before her house was finished! Sometimes I wonder why I am putting so much effort into a house that I could possibly only be in for a few years but oh well it ads to our house's worth! :)
I need to take pictures which I will post later on this evening but my back yard now has 2 grape trees, a 4X4 garden with plenty of tomato plants, jalapeno, cucumber, strawberry, and green bean plants! As well as a few planters with another tomato that is quite a bit larger than the others, cilantro, basil, dill, more green beans, peas and babys breath!! I apparently am aquiring a green thumb! :)
My latest project is my yard. I have wanted to landscape practically since we moved in since there are hardly any trees and no flowers at all so I tried to add up what it would cost me and set out. I knew I couldn't really budget it into our income so I needed to make some! Currently I am working some at Marble Slab to help out and try to increase my landscaping funds! Most of what I want to do isn't too expensive and Ive been digging out the ground myself which saving money but totally hard work!! What is expensive is that I would love a dwarf Japanese maple but its the most expensive of whats on my list. I decided that I am not backing down on this and if it takes a year or two of my yard looking horrible then so be it! :) I know my mom understands this as we lived in construction for YEARS before her house was finished! Sometimes I wonder why I am putting so much effort into a house that I could possibly only be in for a few years but oh well it ads to our house's worth! :)
I need to take pictures which I will post later on this evening but my back yard now has 2 grape trees, a 4X4 garden with plenty of tomato plants, jalapeno, cucumber, strawberry, and green bean plants! As well as a few planters with another tomato that is quite a bit larger than the others, cilantro, basil, dill, more green beans, peas and babys breath!! I apparently am aquiring a green thumb! :)
Don't worry Im not going anywhere! But I do have a separate blog on saving money on that I will now be doing as a feature! No not a celebrity YET! I wanted to share the link with you guys so you could head over and check it out!
Still a crappy grocery week EXCEPT Bilo pulled through!!!
Yea I have literally gotten all of my ads this week and thought really.... This is all you can do!!! But Bi-lo pulled through with 101 BOGO deals!! I love BOGO's and I look forward to Publix BOGO deals each week but this week Bi-lo totally blew Publix out of the water! We have several freebies or money makers then some pretty good deals even without coupons!
A few other good deals that aren't on BOGO...
Ground Beef sold in 5lb packs 1.99 a lb
Boneless Bottom Round Roast 2.99 a lb
Buy One Get One Deals
Mueller’s Spaghetti Noodles 8oz at $.79
-.55/2 Mueller’s Noodles SS 3/01 or printable (makes it FREE plus overage)
Bertolli Pasta Sauce 15-24oz at $2.99
-$1.50/2 Bertolli Pasta Sauce, RP 4/05 (buy 2, makes it $1 ea)
-.75/1 Bertolli Pasta Sauce, RP 4/05 (makes it .75¢ ea)
-.60/1 Bertolli Pasta Sauce, RP 4/05 (makes it .30¢ ea)
Betty Crocker Suddenly Salad 6.2-8.3oz at $2.19
Free Reuseable Bag wyb (2) Suddenly Salad SS 3/15
-$1/2 Suddenly Salad Dinner Made Easy Booklet (buy 2, makes it .60¢ ea)
McCormick Taco Seasoning at .95¢
-$1 off any McCormick Seasoning Blend RP 3/15 (makes 2 FREE)
Duke’s Sandwich Spreads 12oz Chicken Salad or Pineapple Cream Cheese at $3.99
-.60/1 Dukes product SS 3/22 (makes it .80¢ ea)
Cholula Hot Sauce 5oz at $3.59
-$1 off Cholula coupon on select bottles (makes it .79¢ ea)
Pompeian Extra Light or Extra Virgin Olive Oil 32oz at $10.22
-$1 off Pompeian Oil printable (makes it $4.11 ea)
Sara Lee Deluxe Bagels 22 oz select at $3.59
-$1 Sara Lee Fresh Bakery Product RP 4/26 (makes it .79¢ ea)
Arnold Bread 100% Whole Wheat or 12 Grain Bread at $3.69
-$1 off Arnold Bread March All You Mag. (makes it .84¢ ea)
Earthbound Farms Organic Salads 5-9oz at $3.99
-$1/2 Earthbound Farms Go Organiz Booket found at Publix (buy 2, makes it $1.50 ea)
-$1 off any Earthbound product printable (makes it $1 ea)
Land O Frost Variety Pack Sandwich Meats 14oz at $3.99
-.45/1 Land O Frost RP 1/04 (makes it $1.09)
Carolina Turkey, Wunderbar Bologna or Russer Cooked Ham at $4.99
-$1 off 1lb of Russer Deli Meat SS 3/29 (makes it .99¢ lb)
Oscar Mayer Wieners or Beef Franks 12-16oz at $3.29 ($1.64 ea)
-$1/2 Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs SS 4/19 (buy 2 makes it $1.15 ea)
Shedd’s Country Crock 15oz Spreads, 10oz squeeze at $2.22
-$1/2 Shedd’s Spread RP 4/05
-.45/1 Shedd’s Spread RP 4/05 (makes it .21¢ ea)
Tai Pei Dinners 24oz at $5.99
-$1/2 Tai Pei Entrees RP 3/01 (makes it $2.49 ea)
Weight Watcher’s Frozen Treats 2-6 pack at $2.59
.55/1 Weight Watchers Smart Ones May All You Mag. (makes it .19¢ ea)
-$1/5 Smart Ones printable
Eggo Waffles at $2.38
-.75/1 Kellogg’s Eggo Frozen Product, RP 4/5 (makes it .44¢ ea)
-$1/2 Kellogg’s Eggo Frozen Product, RP 4/5 (buy 2, makes it .69¢ ea)
Red Baron Classic, Stone Hearth, or Thin pizza at $5.19
-$1/2 Red Baron Pizza RP 3/01 (makes it $2.10 ea)
Orville Redenbacher’s Microwave Popcorn 2-4 pack at $2.50
-$1/3 Orville Pop Corn SS 4/19
-.40/1 Orville Pop Corn SS 4/19 (makes it .57¢ ea)
-$1/2 Orville Pop Corn Kroger insert 3/22 (regional)
-$1 off Orville Pop Corn May All You Mag.
Stride, Trident, or Dentyne Gum 3 pack at $2.69
-$1 off Trident 3pk SS 3/08 (makes it .35¢ ea)
Lipton Gallon Tea at $3.29
-$1/2 Lipton Tea coupons on select products (buy 2 makes it $1.15 ea)
Powerade 8 pack 20oz bottles at $5.79
-$1/2 Powerade Ion4 8pks 20 oz bottles SS 3/19 (makes it $2.39 ea)
L’oreal Vive Pro Shampoo, Conditioner or Studio Stylers 6-13oz at $4.09
-$1 off L’Oreal Vive RP 4/26 (regional) (makes it $1.05 ea)
Hefty Onezip Storage or Freezer bags 13-22 ct or Sandwich bags 35ct at $2.51
-$1/2 Hefty One Zip Bags RP 3/29, 1/25
-.55/1 Hefty One Zip Bags RP 3/29, 1/25 (makes it .16¢ ea)
Cat’s Pride Cat Litter 20lb bag at $4.19
-$1 off Cats Pride printable (makes it $1.10 ea)
Meow Mix 3.15-4.2lb assorted at $4.42
-$1 off Meow Mix Dry Food RP 3/01 (makes it $1.21 ea)
Glade Aerosol at $1.27
B1G1 Glade Spray SS 4/19 (buy 2, makes it .32¢ ea)
Glass Plus Trigger 32oz at $2.49
-.50/1 Glass Plus SS 3/22, 2/08 or printable (makes it .25¢ ea)
O-Cel-O Cleaning Pad 1ct at $1.31
-.75/2 O-Cel-O Sponges RP 3/08
-$1/2 O-Cel-O Sponges RP 3/08 (makes it .15¢ ea)
Spray ‘n Wash 22-30oz at $2.87
-.75/1 Spray ‘n Wash printable (makes it .69¢ ea)
X-14 Bathroom Cleaner 20-32oz at $1.82
-$1 off X-14 Hard Surface Cleaner SS 4/05 (makes it FREE plus overage)
2000 Flushes Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner 3.5oz assorted at $3.52
-$1 off 2000 Flushes SS 4/05 or April All You Mag
-.55/1 2000 Flushes SS 4/05 (makes it .66¢ ea)
X-14 Instant Mildew Stain Remover 16oz at $2.59
-$1 off X-14 Hard Surface Cleaner SS 4/05 (makes it.30¢ ea)
Purex Laundry detergent 2X, 50oz, at $4.29
-.35/1 Purex Ultra or Natrual Elements Detergent SS 3/08 (makes it $1.44 ea)
Purex Fabric Softener 128oz at $3.19
-.55/1 Fabric Softener SS 3/08 (makes it .49¢ ea)
-$1/2 Purex Fabric Softener SS 3/08
Finish Powerball Tabs or Gelpacs 32ct or Finish Quantum 25ct at $7.72
-$2.50 off Electrasol/Finish Tabs SS 4/19 (makes it $1.36 ea)
-$1/2 Electrasol products printable
Mean Green Super Strength Cleaner 32oz at $2.38
-.75/1 or $1 off any Mean Green Product SS 2/01 (makes it .19¢-.44¢ ea)
Boneless Pork loin half value pack 3-5 lb at $4.39 lb ($2.19 lb)
Boston Butt Country Style Pork ribs at $3.29 lb ($1.64 lb)
Fresh Center Cut Boneless Pork Loin Chops at $4.99lb ($2.49 lb)
Grape Tomatoes 1 pint at $2.99 ($1.49 ea)
Yellow Onions 3lb bag at $2.69 ($1.34 ea or .44¢ lb)
Mangos at $1.29 (.64¢ ea)
Cali Navel Oranges 4lb bag at $3.99 ($1.99 ea or .49¢ lb)
Walter’s Red Potatoes 5lb bag at $4.98 ($2.49 ea or .49¢ lb)
Blackberries .5 pint at $3.99 ($1.99 ea)
Nabisco Newtons or Fruit Crisps 8-16oz at $3.99 ($1.99 ea)
Fritos Corn Chips at $2.89 ($1.44 ea)
Voortman Turnover Cookies 10.6oz at $2.29 ($1.14 ea)
Gordo’s White Cheese Dip 16oz assorted at $5.99 ($2.99 ea)
Brummel and Brown 8oz strawberry spread at $2.22 ($1.11 ea)
Hellman’s Mayo 30oz jar or 22 oz squeeze at $4.35 ($2.17 ea)
Stubb’s Bar-B-Q 18oz select at $3.99 ($1.99 ea)
Golding Farms Vidalia Onion Steak Sauce 10oz at $2.99 ($1.49 ea)
Kona Coast Specialty Sauces 14.5-15oz at $4.79 ($2.39)
Mott’s for Tots Juice 64oz at $2.65 ($1.33 ea)
Mott’s Apple Juice 64oz at $2.65 ($1.33 ea)
Ocean Spray Powdered Drink Mix To Go 10 pack at $2.99 ($1.49 ea)
Wyler’s Drink Mixes makes 12 Quarts at $2.99 ($1.49 ea)
Diet Snapple Powder Drink Mix Sticks at $2.99 ($1.49 ea)
Minute Maid OJ 12 oz (frozen) at $2.38 ($1.19 ea)
Fuze Singles 20oz at $1.39 (.70¢ ea)
Iron Brew Coffee 12oz at $6.99 ($3.49 ea)
Southern Home Coffee Creamer 16oz at $2.75 ($1.37 ea)
Dee Amore Twice Baked Potatoes 10oz at $3.21 ($1.60 ea)
Uno Pizza 27oz at $6.49 ($3.24 ea)
Pet Ice Cream 56oz at $4.99 ($2.49 ea)
Philly Swirl Frozen Treats 21-24 oz at $2.64 ($1.32 ea)
Fresh Baked French or Italian Bread at $1.99 (.99¢ ea)
Lou Ana Oil 24oz Vegetable or Canola oil at $2.78 ($1.39 ea)
Hormel Chili Microcups 15oz or Chili Meals 10oz at $1.89 (.94¢ ea)
Celia’s Flour Tortilla 8ct at $2.50 ($1.25 ea)
El Pinto Mild & Med Salsa 16oz at $3.29 ($1.64 ea)
Cool Whip Aerosol 7oz at $2.79 ($1.39 ea)
Keebler Ice Cream Cones at $3.19 ($1.59 ea)
Hershey’s Syrup 18.5-24oz assorted at $2.15 ($1.07 ea)
Southern Home Marachino Cherries 10oz at $1.99 (.99¢ ea)
Smucker’s Magic Shell 7.25oz select varieties at $2.19 ($1.09 ea)
Sweet’N Low Packets 100ct or 120 bonus pack at $1.81 (.90¢ ea)
Dorot Spices 2.5oz at $2.99 ($1.49 ea)
House-Autry Oven Breaders 6oz at $2.05 ($1.02 ea)
X-14 Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner 1ct at $1.32 (.66¢ ea)
SH Supreme Clean Cleaner, Soft Cleanser, or Glass Cleaner at $1.93 (.96¢ ea)
Citrus Magic Pet Odor or Spot & Stain Remover 22oz at $3.99 ($1.99 ea)
General Mills Cereal MultiGrain Cheerios, Honey Chex or Cinnamon Chex at $3.25
(look for new printable coupons on 5/01)
Mrs Paul’s Breaded Seafood products 8-22.98oz at $5.99 ($2.99 ea)
Southern Home Tilapia Fillets 16oz bag at $7.99 ($3.99 ea)
Pescanova Jumbo Shrimp 26-30ct 12oz frozen at $7.99 (3.99 ea)
Boneless Tuna Steaks 8oz frozen at $6.99 ($3.50 ea)
Great Fish Bay Scallops 16oz bag frozen at $8.99 ($4.49 ea)
Paws Premium Bites and Bones or Puppy Food 4.4lb bag at $4.22 ($2.11 ea)
Dove original Bars 4 pack at $4.35 ($2.17 ea)
Chinet Cut Crystal Plates 8-12ct or Cut Crystal Tumblers 18-25ct at $2.44
SH Foam Cups 51ct at $1.34 (.67¢ ea)
SH Plastic Color Cups 20ct at $1.54 (.77¢ ea)
SH Wide Pan breads 24 oz at $2.49 ($1.24 ea)
A few other good deals that aren't on BOGO...
Ground Beef sold in 5lb packs 1.99 a lb
Boneless Bottom Round Roast 2.99 a lb
Buy One Get One Deals
Mueller’s Spaghetti Noodles 8oz at $.79
-.55/2 Mueller’s Noodles SS 3/01 or printable (makes it FREE plus overage)
Bertolli Pasta Sauce 15-24oz at $2.99
-$1.50/2 Bertolli Pasta Sauce, RP 4/05 (buy 2, makes it $1 ea)
-.75/1 Bertolli Pasta Sauce, RP 4/05 (makes it .75¢ ea)
-.60/1 Bertolli Pasta Sauce, RP 4/05 (makes it .30¢ ea)
Betty Crocker Suddenly Salad 6.2-8.3oz at $2.19
Free Reuseable Bag wyb (2) Suddenly Salad SS 3/15
-$1/2 Suddenly Salad Dinner Made Easy Booklet (buy 2, makes it .60¢ ea)
McCormick Taco Seasoning at .95¢
-$1 off any McCormick Seasoning Blend RP 3/15 (makes 2 FREE)
Duke’s Sandwich Spreads 12oz Chicken Salad or Pineapple Cream Cheese at $3.99
-.60/1 Dukes product SS 3/22 (makes it .80¢ ea)
Cholula Hot Sauce 5oz at $3.59
-$1 off Cholula coupon on select bottles (makes it .79¢ ea)
Pompeian Extra Light or Extra Virgin Olive Oil 32oz at $10.22
-$1 off Pompeian Oil printable (makes it $4.11 ea)
Sara Lee Deluxe Bagels 22 oz select at $3.59
-$1 Sara Lee Fresh Bakery Product RP 4/26 (makes it .79¢ ea)
Arnold Bread 100% Whole Wheat or 12 Grain Bread at $3.69
-$1 off Arnold Bread March All You Mag. (makes it .84¢ ea)
Earthbound Farms Organic Salads 5-9oz at $3.99
-$1/2 Earthbound Farms Go Organiz Booket found at Publix (buy 2, makes it $1.50 ea)
-$1 off any Earthbound product printable (makes it $1 ea)
Land O Frost Variety Pack Sandwich Meats 14oz at $3.99
-.45/1 Land O Frost RP 1/04 (makes it $1.09)
Carolina Turkey, Wunderbar Bologna or Russer Cooked Ham at $4.99
-$1 off 1lb of Russer Deli Meat SS 3/29 (makes it .99¢ lb)
Oscar Mayer Wieners or Beef Franks 12-16oz at $3.29 ($1.64 ea)
-$1/2 Oscar Mayer Hot Dogs SS 4/19 (buy 2 makes it $1.15 ea)
Shedd’s Country Crock 15oz Spreads, 10oz squeeze at $2.22
-$1/2 Shedd’s Spread RP 4/05
-.45/1 Shedd’s Spread RP 4/05 (makes it .21¢ ea)
Tai Pei Dinners 24oz at $5.99
-$1/2 Tai Pei Entrees RP 3/01 (makes it $2.49 ea)
Weight Watcher’s Frozen Treats 2-6 pack at $2.59
.55/1 Weight Watchers Smart Ones May All You Mag. (makes it .19¢ ea)
-$1/5 Smart Ones printable
Eggo Waffles at $2.38
-.75/1 Kellogg’s Eggo Frozen Product, RP 4/5 (makes it .44¢ ea)
-$1/2 Kellogg’s Eggo Frozen Product, RP 4/5 (buy 2, makes it .69¢ ea)
Red Baron Classic, Stone Hearth, or Thin pizza at $5.19
-$1/2 Red Baron Pizza RP 3/01 (makes it $2.10 ea)
Orville Redenbacher’s Microwave Popcorn 2-4 pack at $2.50
-$1/3 Orville Pop Corn SS 4/19
-.40/1 Orville Pop Corn SS 4/19 (makes it .57¢ ea)
-$1/2 Orville Pop Corn Kroger insert 3/22 (regional)
-$1 off Orville Pop Corn May All You Mag.
Stride, Trident, or Dentyne Gum 3 pack at $2.69
-$1 off Trident 3pk SS 3/08 (makes it .35¢ ea)
Lipton Gallon Tea at $3.29
-$1/2 Lipton Tea coupons on select products (buy 2 makes it $1.15 ea)
Powerade 8 pack 20oz bottles at $5.79
-$1/2 Powerade Ion4 8pks 20 oz bottles SS 3/19 (makes it $2.39 ea)
L’oreal Vive Pro Shampoo, Conditioner or Studio Stylers 6-13oz at $4.09
-$1 off L’Oreal Vive RP 4/26 (regional) (makes it $1.05 ea)
Hefty Onezip Storage or Freezer bags 13-22 ct or Sandwich bags 35ct at $2.51
-$1/2 Hefty One Zip Bags RP 3/29, 1/25
-.55/1 Hefty One Zip Bags RP 3/29, 1/25 (makes it .16¢ ea)
Cat’s Pride Cat Litter 20lb bag at $4.19
-$1 off Cats Pride printable (makes it $1.10 ea)
Meow Mix 3.15-4.2lb assorted at $4.42
-$1 off Meow Mix Dry Food RP 3/01 (makes it $1.21 ea)
Glade Aerosol at $1.27
B1G1 Glade Spray SS 4/19 (buy 2, makes it .32¢ ea)
Glass Plus Trigger 32oz at $2.49
-.50/1 Glass Plus SS 3/22, 2/08 or printable (makes it .25¢ ea)
O-Cel-O Cleaning Pad 1ct at $1.31
-.75/2 O-Cel-O Sponges RP 3/08
-$1/2 O-Cel-O Sponges RP 3/08 (makes it .15¢ ea)
Spray ‘n Wash 22-30oz at $2.87
-.75/1 Spray ‘n Wash printable (makes it .69¢ ea)
X-14 Bathroom Cleaner 20-32oz at $1.82
-$1 off X-14 Hard Surface Cleaner SS 4/05 (makes it FREE plus overage)
2000 Flushes Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner 3.5oz assorted at $3.52
-$1 off 2000 Flushes SS 4/05 or April All You Mag
-.55/1 2000 Flushes SS 4/05 (makes it .66¢ ea)
X-14 Instant Mildew Stain Remover 16oz at $2.59
-$1 off X-14 Hard Surface Cleaner SS 4/05 (makes it.30¢ ea)
Purex Laundry detergent 2X, 50oz, at $4.29
-.35/1 Purex Ultra or Natrual Elements Detergent SS 3/08 (makes it $1.44 ea)
Purex Fabric Softener 128oz at $3.19
-.55/1 Fabric Softener SS 3/08 (makes it .49¢ ea)
-$1/2 Purex Fabric Softener SS 3/08
Finish Powerball Tabs or Gelpacs 32ct or Finish Quantum 25ct at $7.72
-$2.50 off Electrasol/Finish Tabs SS 4/19 (makes it $1.36 ea)
-$1/2 Electrasol products printable
Mean Green Super Strength Cleaner 32oz at $2.38
-.75/1 or $1 off any Mean Green Product SS 2/01 (makes it .19¢-.44¢ ea)
Boneless Pork loin half value pack 3-5 lb at $4.39 lb ($2.19 lb)
Boston Butt Country Style Pork ribs at $3.29 lb ($1.64 lb)
Fresh Center Cut Boneless Pork Loin Chops at $4.99lb ($2.49 lb)
Grape Tomatoes 1 pint at $2.99 ($1.49 ea)
Yellow Onions 3lb bag at $2.69 ($1.34 ea or .44¢ lb)
Mangos at $1.29 (.64¢ ea)
Cali Navel Oranges 4lb bag at $3.99 ($1.99 ea or .49¢ lb)
Walter’s Red Potatoes 5lb bag at $4.98 ($2.49 ea or .49¢ lb)
Blackberries .5 pint at $3.99 ($1.99 ea)
Nabisco Newtons or Fruit Crisps 8-16oz at $3.99 ($1.99 ea)
Fritos Corn Chips at $2.89 ($1.44 ea)
Voortman Turnover Cookies 10.6oz at $2.29 ($1.14 ea)
Gordo’s White Cheese Dip 16oz assorted at $5.99 ($2.99 ea)
Brummel and Brown 8oz strawberry spread at $2.22 ($1.11 ea)
Hellman’s Mayo 30oz jar or 22 oz squeeze at $4.35 ($2.17 ea)
Stubb’s Bar-B-Q 18oz select at $3.99 ($1.99 ea)
Golding Farms Vidalia Onion Steak Sauce 10oz at $2.99 ($1.49 ea)
Kona Coast Specialty Sauces 14.5-15oz at $4.79 ($2.39)
Mott’s for Tots Juice 64oz at $2.65 ($1.33 ea)
Mott’s Apple Juice 64oz at $2.65 ($1.33 ea)
Ocean Spray Powdered Drink Mix To Go 10 pack at $2.99 ($1.49 ea)
Wyler’s Drink Mixes makes 12 Quarts at $2.99 ($1.49 ea)
Diet Snapple Powder Drink Mix Sticks at $2.99 ($1.49 ea)
Minute Maid OJ 12 oz (frozen) at $2.38 ($1.19 ea)
Fuze Singles 20oz at $1.39 (.70¢ ea)
Iron Brew Coffee 12oz at $6.99 ($3.49 ea)
Southern Home Coffee Creamer 16oz at $2.75 ($1.37 ea)
Dee Amore Twice Baked Potatoes 10oz at $3.21 ($1.60 ea)
Uno Pizza 27oz at $6.49 ($3.24 ea)
Pet Ice Cream 56oz at $4.99 ($2.49 ea)
Philly Swirl Frozen Treats 21-24 oz at $2.64 ($1.32 ea)
Fresh Baked French or Italian Bread at $1.99 (.99¢ ea)
Lou Ana Oil 24oz Vegetable or Canola oil at $2.78 ($1.39 ea)
Hormel Chili Microcups 15oz or Chili Meals 10oz at $1.89 (.94¢ ea)
Celia’s Flour Tortilla 8ct at $2.50 ($1.25 ea)
El Pinto Mild & Med Salsa 16oz at $3.29 ($1.64 ea)
Cool Whip Aerosol 7oz at $2.79 ($1.39 ea)
Keebler Ice Cream Cones at $3.19 ($1.59 ea)
Hershey’s Syrup 18.5-24oz assorted at $2.15 ($1.07 ea)
Southern Home Marachino Cherries 10oz at $1.99 (.99¢ ea)
Smucker’s Magic Shell 7.25oz select varieties at $2.19 ($1.09 ea)
Sweet’N Low Packets 100ct or 120 bonus pack at $1.81 (.90¢ ea)
Dorot Spices 2.5oz at $2.99 ($1.49 ea)
House-Autry Oven Breaders 6oz at $2.05 ($1.02 ea)
X-14 Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner 1ct at $1.32 (.66¢ ea)
SH Supreme Clean Cleaner, Soft Cleanser, or Glass Cleaner at $1.93 (.96¢ ea)
Citrus Magic Pet Odor or Spot & Stain Remover 22oz at $3.99 ($1.99 ea)
General Mills Cereal MultiGrain Cheerios, Honey Chex or Cinnamon Chex at $3.25
(look for new printable coupons on 5/01)
Mrs Paul’s Breaded Seafood products 8-22.98oz at $5.99 ($2.99 ea)
Southern Home Tilapia Fillets 16oz bag at $7.99 ($3.99 ea)
Pescanova Jumbo Shrimp 26-30ct 12oz frozen at $7.99 (3.99 ea)
Boneless Tuna Steaks 8oz frozen at $6.99 ($3.50 ea)
Great Fish Bay Scallops 16oz bag frozen at $8.99 ($4.49 ea)
Paws Premium Bites and Bones or Puppy Food 4.4lb bag at $4.22 ($2.11 ea)
Dove original Bars 4 pack at $4.35 ($2.17 ea)
Chinet Cut Crystal Plates 8-12ct or Cut Crystal Tumblers 18-25ct at $2.44
SH Foam Cups 51ct at $1.34 (.67¢ ea)
SH Plastic Color Cups 20ct at $1.54 (.77¢ ea)
SH Wide Pan breads 24 oz at $2.49 ($1.24 ea)
Monday, April 27, 2009
Where I get my coupons from....
Ok I have been getting alot of questions about where I get my coupons so I decided to let you guys in on my secret which really isn't a secret at all! :)
Most of the time when I follow blogs and get coupon matchups they are coupons from the Sunday paper which I buy a few of and I get one from my mom. There are also printables that they will match up that I will print off of my home computer, my moms computer, her office computer and if I can get up there my dads and my Mimi's. Basically anyone that I know doesn't coupon or doesn't need the specific coupon I do I will ask to use their computer to print them off. Bricks coupons and Smartsource coupons go by your IP address and will only let you print it twice. Once it prints the first time you hit the back button and then refresh and it will print again. There are a few pdf file coupons that are few and far between but those you can print as many as you can on one computer.
Now lets take for example last week. There were really great coupons and I wasn't able to pick up a paper and my mom was out of town so someone threw the paper away before I could get it. If something comes on sale that is free or under .30 a piece I will look on or and see if I can find that coupon. Alot of people on Ebay tend to dumpster dive or they work for a grocery store and know the guys that come and pick up old papers and where they recycle. I wish I had this source so I could go search for tons of coupons! I will not pay more than $2 or $3 for coupons and thats including shipping because otherwise you aren't getting a good deal. You have to weigh what you are spending on the coupons and how much the item will be after coupons. Currently at my local Kroger Angel Soft toilet paper 4 packs are on sale for $1, there were .50 coupons last week that I missed and my store doubles them so they would be free BUT on ebay a set of 20 coupons is going for around $8 to $10 bucks which makes it not worth it to me because I have other coupons to make other toilet paper cheaper.
I think thats it but if you think of any questions just leave a comment!!
Most of the time when I follow blogs and get coupon matchups they are coupons from the Sunday paper which I buy a few of and I get one from my mom. There are also printables that they will match up that I will print off of my home computer, my moms computer, her office computer and if I can get up there my dads and my Mimi's. Basically anyone that I know doesn't coupon or doesn't need the specific coupon I do I will ask to use their computer to print them off. Bricks coupons and Smartsource coupons go by your IP address and will only let you print it twice. Once it prints the first time you hit the back button and then refresh and it will print again. There are a few pdf file coupons that are few and far between but those you can print as many as you can on one computer.
Now lets take for example last week. There were really great coupons and I wasn't able to pick up a paper and my mom was out of town so someone threw the paper away before I could get it. If something comes on sale that is free or under .30 a piece I will look on or and see if I can find that coupon. Alot of people on Ebay tend to dumpster dive or they work for a grocery store and know the guys that come and pick up old papers and where they recycle. I wish I had this source so I could go search for tons of coupons! I will not pay more than $2 or $3 for coupons and thats including shipping because otherwise you aren't getting a good deal. You have to weigh what you are spending on the coupons and how much the item will be after coupons. Currently at my local Kroger Angel Soft toilet paper 4 packs are on sale for $1, there were .50 coupons last week that I missed and my store doubles them so they would be free BUT on ebay a set of 20 coupons is going for around $8 to $10 bucks which makes it not worth it to me because I have other coupons to make other toilet paper cheaper.
I think thats it but if you think of any questions just leave a comment!!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Sometimes its hard to save money!!
You know somedays I just wish I had millions of dollars to just go travel the world and not have to worry about pinching pennys and budgeting here and there just to save a dollar! LOL Don't get me wrong I would be frugal with my millions and I would definatly still be watching ads and couponing but there are days that I just want to say NO I want to go eat at a nice restaurant and eat whatever I want! :)
We are starting over with our budget and after stocking up on more juice which we go through like water these days EVEN though I water it down for Conner. Darien thinks its his juice so it goes pretty fast. Anyways I forgot the list all of my good deals this week from the slim pickings at Publix but we spent $50. So we have $150 left and since the deals this week STINK!! Yes even Bilo! I swear I wish I could call these people at their corporate offices and say look do you realize this isn't making me want to get out of my house with my 2 boys to shop at your store? Im literally laughing at the Bi-lo ad! Sorry DAD!! If you don't have a Bilo near you let me just say the whole front page is the meat departments HOT sales. Hot?? Really?? Their chicken breasts are on sale for $1.99 a lb but here is the catch.. They put higher weight chicken breasts in the packaging AND just a few weeks ago they had them on sale for $1.79 a lb!!! So how is that hot if every other store has them on sale for $1.99 about every few weeks then on top of that you just had them cheaper not more than a month ago!! Ok sorry Bi-lo I am still a loyal shopper just not this week!
Publix I can't say much more about! Ok Im done with my rant today! :) Hey if you haven't been to BRU and used your $5 off $25 go use it!!
We are starting over with our budget and after stocking up on more juice which we go through like water these days EVEN though I water it down for Conner. Darien thinks its his juice so it goes pretty fast. Anyways I forgot the list all of my good deals this week from the slim pickings at Publix but we spent $50. So we have $150 left and since the deals this week STINK!! Yes even Bilo! I swear I wish I could call these people at their corporate offices and say look do you realize this isn't making me want to get out of my house with my 2 boys to shop at your store? Im literally laughing at the Bi-lo ad! Sorry DAD!! If you don't have a Bilo near you let me just say the whole front page is the meat departments HOT sales. Hot?? Really?? Their chicken breasts are on sale for $1.99 a lb but here is the catch.. They put higher weight chicken breasts in the packaging AND just a few weeks ago they had them on sale for $1.79 a lb!!! So how is that hot if every other store has them on sale for $1.99 about every few weeks then on top of that you just had them cheaper not more than a month ago!! Ok sorry Bi-lo I am still a loyal shopper just not this week!
Publix I can't say much more about! Ok Im done with my rant today! :) Hey if you haven't been to BRU and used your $5 off $25 go use it!!
Monday, April 20, 2009
Brown Sugar Crockpot Chicken!
Ok the name of this sounds kinda wierd I know and when you see the recipe you will think Im crazy but I swear its sooo good!!! So bear with me and give it a try!
6 boneless, skinless breast halves
1 cup brown sugar (it's okay. you can brush your teeth after.)
1/4 cup lemon-lime soda (stay with me...)
2/3 cup vinegar
3 cloves smashed and chopped garlic
2 T soy sauce
1 tsp ground black pepper
Place chicken in the crockpot then add all of the ingredients. You can put it on low for 6 to 9 hours or on high for 4 to 5hrs. My crock pot works pretty fast so I put it on low for about 5 and it was great! I served it over rice and poured a little of the sauce over the whole thing.
Thanks to crockpot365 for this recipe!
6 boneless, skinless breast halves
1 cup brown sugar (it's okay. you can brush your teeth after.)
1/4 cup lemon-lime soda (stay with me...)
2/3 cup vinegar
3 cloves smashed and chopped garlic
2 T soy sauce
1 tsp ground black pepper
Place chicken in the crockpot then add all of the ingredients. You can put it on low for 6 to 9 hours or on high for 4 to 5hrs. My crock pot works pretty fast so I put it on low for about 5 and it was great! I served it over rice and poured a little of the sauce over the whole thing.
Thanks to crockpot365 for this recipe!
Conner's 2nd Birthday!!
Well I ordered invitations for Conner's 2nd birthday!! And yes I screwed them up! Apparently I was not looking at the calendar correctly and the invitations read Saturday May 10th and Saturday is the 9th! I cannot believe that he will be 2 already!! If feels like just yesterday he was just this little baby! I kinda miss baby Conner! :) Although I totally love his age now he just grew so fast! I look back and think man I almost forget what that little boy looked like. Since Conner is almost two that means Noah is almost 1. I look back at everything that has changed in the past 3 years and I feel old! Yes yes I know im not old but I am the mother of 2 boys, a frugal coupon user, a wife, and busy busy lady! Its not very often that I miss being single and free and its days like this that make me open my eyes a little wider to see all of the blessings in front of me.
Now I need to find more mommy friends! Ive been realizing that I really have no friends that have other kids my kids age. Onto my next task! FIND MOMMY FRIENDS! LOL
Now I need to find more mommy friends! Ive been realizing that I really have no friends that have other kids my kids age. Onto my next task! FIND MOMMY FRIENDS! LOL
Sunday, April 19, 2009
My Publix savings!!! and our garden...
Ok so I planned on going to a few stores on Saturday but ended up spending a couple hours in Home Depot then an hour in Lowes so I just went home and worked on the landscaping in our yard which I have to say is looking much better! Ill have to take some pictures soon! I just got a blueberry plant and 2 grape plants and got them planted yesterday. I also bought a few seeds for flowers that I will transplant in about a month. I had a little more room in the garden so I planted some green bean seeds so we will see how that goes. I think we have ants in the garden which makes me a little mad since I really hate hate ants!!! I did however find 2 friendly worms!!! :)
My plan is to get rid of these darn rocks today and start laying out the plan for the front yard then buy some dirt and more mulch as well as a Azaela bush, flowers, and a small Japnese maple if I can find one! Ok now onto my savings!
So yesterday I planned on cooking but we were in the yard so long that the two things I had planned on were crock pot recipes that would have taken too long since it was 730 when I realized we needed to eat. So we moved our normal Sunday eating out for lunch time to Saturday night. Since I was running out to get dinner I thought hey since I got my $10 Publix gift card today I might as well run to Pulix before getting dinner! :) So here is what I got and I would have taken a picture but some of it I put away and some is actually still in the car!
20 cans of Hunts tomatoes (.30 a piece) They were BOGO 1.39 then I used .40 off 2 that doubled to .80
10 bottles of Juicy Juice (.25 a piece) I found 11 really great Juicy Juice coupons and they were also BOGO for 2.74
2 packs of chicken breasts $3 a piece they were on sale for 1.99 a lb
6.99 bottle of wine and Dariens beer for 6.99
The total after coupons 32.31 then I used my $10 gift card which I got from a deal in Feb. that I only paid $5 out of pocket for! :)
So I paid 23.45 out of pocket!! This was a great shopping trip when my savings at the bottom says 56.57!!!! I told hubster that I could have spent alot less if we didnt buy the alcohol! :)
My plan is to get rid of these darn rocks today and start laying out the plan for the front yard then buy some dirt and more mulch as well as a Azaela bush, flowers, and a small Japnese maple if I can find one! Ok now onto my savings!
So yesterday I planned on cooking but we were in the yard so long that the two things I had planned on were crock pot recipes that would have taken too long since it was 730 when I realized we needed to eat. So we moved our normal Sunday eating out for lunch time to Saturday night. Since I was running out to get dinner I thought hey since I got my $10 Publix gift card today I might as well run to Pulix before getting dinner! :) So here is what I got and I would have taken a picture but some of it I put away and some is actually still in the car!
20 cans of Hunts tomatoes (.30 a piece) They were BOGO 1.39 then I used .40 off 2 that doubled to .80
10 bottles of Juicy Juice (.25 a piece) I found 11 really great Juicy Juice coupons and they were also BOGO for 2.74
2 packs of chicken breasts $3 a piece they were on sale for 1.99 a lb
6.99 bottle of wine and Dariens beer for 6.99
The total after coupons 32.31 then I used my $10 gift card which I got from a deal in Feb. that I only paid $5 out of pocket for! :)
So I paid 23.45 out of pocket!! This was a great shopping trip when my savings at the bottom says 56.57!!!! I told hubster that I could have spent alot less if we didnt buy the alcohol! :)
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
$5 off $25 at BRU!!!
I don't know how many of you get emails from Babiesrus but there was a $5 off $25 in my email and I wanted to share it with you!!
GO here and print off your coupon! Conner's 2nd bday is coming up so this will come in handy for me!
Well it won't le me post a hyper link so I guess I will just have to post the link!
GO here and print off your coupon! Conner's 2nd bday is coming up so this will come in handy for me!
Well it won't le me post a hyper link so I guess I will just have to post the link!
Monday, April 13, 2009
Sisterhood Award!

I was given this amazing award from my friend Kara and I am passing it on! I am nominating some friends and a few blogs that have saved me by helping save me money! :)
Kara (California is Calling)
Here are the rules after nomination: Put the logo on your blog or post. Nominate at least 10 blogs with great attitude and/or gratitude. Be sure to link to your nominees in your post. Let your nominees know they have received the award by leaving them a comment on their blog. Be sure to link this post to the person who nominated you for the award.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Sleeping Issues....
Let me first just say I love my boys. I thought maybe after Noah we would wait till the boys were 3 and 4 to have more kids but I'm about at the end of my rope and it could be till they are 8 and 9!!! Seriously if Noah had been born first We would only have one child right now. Noah has the worst sleeping issues ever! He wakes up at least once during the night and he never wakes up happy. Conner slept through the night and always woke up with a smile on his face its always crying. Since he has been sick lately its been much worse. Its been so irritating that its put a strain between Darien and I. I litterally do not want to do anything during the day or got away to family for the weekend because of my nights wih Noah. We have been at my inlaws last night so Noah was in the room with us which meant everytime he cried we had to get up and rock him bc if we let him cry like we normally do then he would have woken the whole house. Today is the spring game which means we are on Clemson campus from 10 to 3 so no naps until the car ride home... Alright I think I'm done ranting for today! :). If anyone has some advice on how to change Noahs sleep habbits I'm all ears!!!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Upcoming Publix ad coming out Monday!
Thanks to Afullcup!!
Here is the upcoming ad.
Mueller's Pasta [Assorted Varities, 12 or 16 oz box, excluding noodles] BOGO (save up to $1.39)$.55/1 3-1 SS
La Famiglia DelGrosso Pasta Sauce, [Assorted Varities, All Natural, 26oz jar] BOGO (save up to $7.99)
Fast Classics Flame Roasted Chicken Breast[Fully cooked, 20 oz pkg.] BOGO (Save up to $7.99)
Mott's 100% Apple Juice [or Mott's for Tot's, Plus Kids health, or Plus Light. Assorted variities, 64-oz bot. Quanity rights reserved] BOGO (save up $2.95)
Juicy Juice 100% Premium Juice [Assorted Varieties, 64-oz bot. Quanity rights reserved] BOGO (save up to $3.49)
Hun'ts Tomatoes [Assorted varieties, 14.5 oz can. Quanity rights reserved] BOGO (save up to $1.39)
Crystal Light Drink or On the Go Mix [or Iced Tea mix, LiveActive, or Immunity, Assorted Varities, 10 or 12 qt cnstr. or 10 or 14- ct box. Quanity Rights reserved. BOGO (save up to $3.99)
B2G1 manu coupon 3/29 SS
General Mills Cheerios Cereal [Assorted Varieties, 10.4 to 14-oz box or Frosted Cheerios, 17.2-oz box. Quanity Rights reserved] BOGO (Save up to $4.29)
Kellogg's Cereal [Assorted Varieties, Smart Start, 14.7 to 17.5-oz, Raisin Bran, 25.5oz, Raisin Bran Crunch, 18.2 oz or Corn Flakes, 24 oz box. Qty rights reserved.)Quaker Chewey Granola Bars [Assorted Varieties, 7.9 or 8.4-oz box. Qty rights reserved] BOGO (save up to $2.99)
Betty Crocker Potatoes [Assorted Varieties, 4.6 to 6.6-oz box. Qty rights reserved] BOGO (save up to $1.59)
Pompeian EVOO [32-oz bot. Qtr rights reseved] BOGO (save up $11.99)
Kraft BBQ Sauce [Assorted Varieties, 16.25 or 18-oz bot. Qty rights reserved) BOGO (save up $1.59)
Ken's Steak House Marinade or Buffalo Wing Sauce [Assorted varieties, 16-oz bot. Qty rights reserved] BOGO (save up to $2.79)
$1.00/1 3-8 SS
Pam Cooking Spray [Assorted Varieties, 5 or 6-oz can(Excluding Organic and Professional) Qty rights reserved] BOGO (save up $3.39)
Lysol Disinfectant Bathroom Cleaner [Removes soap scum Island Breeze, Mildew Remover with Bleach, 32-oz bot. Qty rights reserved] BOGO (save up $3.39)
Kashi Granola Bars [Assorted Varieties, 6.7 to 8.4-oz box. Qty rights reserved] BOGO (save up $3.89)
Toufayah Wrap [plain, wheat, garlic pesto or tomato basil, 10-oz pkg. Qty rights reseved] BOGO (save up to $1.99)
Nabisco Toasted Chips [assorted varieties, 8.1-oz bag. Qty rights reserved] BOGO (save up $3.39)
M&M's Chocolate Candies [snickers, milky way, 3 musketeers, twix minis or m&m's, snickers, twix mix fun size. Assorted varieties. 34.5 to 42-oz bag. Qty rights reserved] BOGO (save up $10.99)
Arnold WholeGrains Bread [or grains, & more Double Fiber. Assorted Varieties, 24-oz Loaf. Qty rights reserved] BOGO (save up $3.69)
Sargento Shredded Cheese [sunbursts, assorted varieties, 5 to 8-oz pkg. Qty rights reserved] BOGO (save up $3.19)Other Sale Items
Boneless Chicken Breasts $1.99lb (save up $2.50lb)
Tomatoes on the vine $1.99lb
Fresh Tilapia Fillets $6.39lb
Fresh Express Salad Blends 2 FOR $5.00 [5-12-oz bag]
Sour Dough Round French Bread $2.59 (save up to $1.00)
New York Strip Steaks $7.99lb (save up to $3.99lb)
Top Round London Broil $2.99lb (save up $1.90lb)
T-Bone or Porterhouse Steaks $8.99lb (save up $1.90lb)
Ground Chuck Patties $3.29lbGround Chuck $2.99 lb
Boneless Beef Chuck or Top Round Steaks $3.29lb
Hormel Fully Cooked Meat Entrees 2 for $8.00 (save up to $5.98 on 2)
Perdue Short Cuts Chicken Breasts 2 for $6.00 [roasted, italian, honey roasted or southwestern' oven roasted turkey breast, 9-oz pkg]
Oscar Mayer Sliced Bacon 2 for $6.00[Original, lower sodium, thick or maple 16-oz pkg]
Publix regular Sliced Lunch Meats 2 for $5.00 [ham, cooked or honey; Turkey Breast, smoked or over roasted] 10-oz pkg]
Boneless Pork Loin Chops $3.99lb (save up to $1.40lb) [butterflied, publix pork, all natural and full-flaor]
Chuck Pot Roast $2.99lb (save up to $1.60lb)
Medium Cooked Shrimp [41 to 50 per pound large white shrimp, 31 to 35 per pound, previously frozen, Farm-Raised] $5.99lb
Fresh Yellowfiin Tuna Portions $7.99 [boneless, skinless, never frozen, wild harvested 6-oz each]
Publix Whole Turkey Sub $4.99 (save up to $1.40)
8-Piece Fried Chicken $6.49 (save up $.80)
Chocolate Chip Cookies 13 ct $3.89 (save up $.96)
Danish Pecan Ring $3.99 (save up to $1.30)
Glazed Donuts, 6ct $2.69
Granola Bark $6.29lb (save up $1.20lb)
Angel Food Cake $3.99
Boars Head BBQ Roasted Chicken Breast $7.69lb
Boar's Head Swedish Fontina $8.39lb
Publix 12-pack Assorted Soft Drinks 3 for $7.00 (save up to $.50 on 3)
Glaceau Vitaminwater [20-oz bot.] Buy 2 get 1 Free (save up $1.49)$1.00/1 3/29 SS12-pk
Selected Coca-cola products 3 for $12.00 [12-oz can]
Deer Park natural Spring Water [3-L bot] 10 for $10.00
Publix Wheat Snacks, Baked wheat Crackers [assorted varieties, 14 to 15.25-oz pkg. Qty rights reserved] $2.29
Publix Premium English Muffins or Bagels [Assorted varieties, 6-ct 12 or 20-oz pkg] 2 for $4.00
Plantars Cashews or Mixed Nuts [assorted varieites, 9.25 to 11.5oz can. Limit two] $2.99
Corona 12 pk [bot or can] $12.99 (save up $2.00)
Samuel Adams 6pk Assorted $6.99[beer or ale, 12-oz bot] $6.99 (save up $.70)
Popsicle Ice Pops [fudgsicle or creamsicle, assorted varieties, 26.4 oz to 39.6 oz box] 2 for $5.00 (save up $2.98 on 2)
California Pizza Kitchen Pizza [11.08 to 26.5-oz box ] 2 for $11.00
Mayfield Ice Cream [assorted varieties] 2 for $6.00 (save up to $3.98 on 2)
Breakstones Cottage Cheese [large curd, lowfat 2% milk, small curd, lowfat or smooth and creamy, 16-oz cup] 2 for $4.00 (save up $.98 on2 )
Kellogg's Eggo Waffles [assorted varieties, 17.2 to 19.8-oz box ] 2 for $4.00
Stouffer's Lean Cusine [ assorted varieites 6 to 12.5-oz box ] 4 $10.00
Jell-o snacks [6-pk, 3.25 to 4-oz cup] 3 for $6.00
Eggland's Best large Eggs [12ct ctn] 2 for $4.00
Nestle Coffee-mate coffee creamer [32-oz bot] 2 for $5.00
Pantene Pro-V Hair Care Products [25.4oz bot or Head & Shoulders 23 or 23.7 oz bot. or Clairol
Nice'N easy hair color, each. Assorted varieties, excluding perfect 10] $5.99 (save up $1.00)
Aleve Pain Reliever [assorted varieties, 80 or 100ct bot (24 free tablets or caplets on select products, while quantities available)] $6.99 (save up $3.20)
Always Pads [Assorted varieties, 20 to 44 oz pkg or Tampax tampons, 40ct box(excluding always clean and jumbo packs)] $5.49
Mucinex Expertorant or DM Expectorant Cough Suppressant, Reg or Max strength extended release bi-layer tablets, 12 hour, 28 or 40ct box] $18.99
Hawaiian Tropic Suncare Products [assorted varieties, 6 to 16oz pkg](excluding lip and stick products) $6.69
Dial Liquid Hand Soap [assorted varieties, 7.5oz to 11.25oz bot.] 4 for $5.00 (save up to $1.36 on 4)
Huggies Supreme Diapers or snug and dry [assorted varieties, 48 to 96 ct box] $19.99
Similac Infant Formula Powder [assorted varieties, advance, isomil advance with iron, DHA & ARA or Sensitive with iron 23.2oz can] $21.49
One a Day Multivitamin [men's women's or max 60ct bot] $8.99
Coupon for $3.00 off Duracell Alkaline batteries [assorted varieties with the purchase of any 9 volt, 2-ct or "C" or "D" 4-ct or "AA" or "AAA" 8ct or larger ( one deal per coupon per customer)
Brita Pitcher Replacement Filters 3-ct box $13.99 (save up to $5.00)
Pedigree Dry Dog Food [assorted varieties, 15.9 to 20lb bag] $11.99 (save up to $3.00)
Pedigree Complete Nutrition Dog Food [assorted varieties, 22oz can] 5 for $5.00
Purex Ultra Laundry Detergent [2X concentrated or Natural Elements, assorted varieties, 100-oz bot. ] $4.99 (save up $2.80)
Clorox Green Works Natural Cleaner [assorted varieties 24 to 32 oz bot or dishwashing liquid, 22 oz bot. or wipes ] 2 for $5.00 (save up $.98 on 2)
Febreze Air Effects Air Refresher [9.7oz can] 2 for $5.00
Fantastik cleaner [26 to 32 oz bot. ] 2 for $4.00
Mr. Clean Cleaner [ assorted varieties, multi-surface with febreze or multi purpose 40oz bot. ] $2.49
Kleenx Viva Paper Towels [premium or choose a size 8 roll pkg] $6.99 (save up to $3.20)Kleenz
Cottonelle Toilet Paper [ double roll, with ripples or ultra, aloe&E giant role, 12-roll pkg] $6.99 (save up $1.26)
Glad Tall Kitchen Bags [drawstring, forceflex stretchable strength or reg 13 gal , 65 or 78 ct pkgs] $8.99 (save up $2.00)
Glad Zipper Freezer or Storage Bags [value pack, gallon or qt size, 30 to 50 ct pkg] 2 for 5.00
Kleenx Viva Paper Towels [assorted varieties, big roll, 1-roll pkg] $1.89
Dixie Plates [soak proof, 8 5/8 or 10 1/16 ultra 40-100ct pkg. 16oz plastic party cups, value pak 68ct pkg] $3.49
Pyrex Bakeware Storage4-cup storage w/ red lid $2.997-cup storage w/red lid $6.998'square baking dish $12.992-qt clear oblong baking dish $12.993-qt clear oblong baking dish $14.992.5-qt teardrop bowl $12.992-cup measuing cup $5.994-cup measuring cup $6.999 1/2 clear pie plate $10.9912x16 cutting board $14.991 1/2 qt clear loaf pan $12.995-qt teardrop bowl $14.99
Orgainc Florida Organges 4-lb bag $2.99 (save up to $2.00)
Organic Valley Organic Milk 64oz ctn 2 for $7.00(save up to $.98 on 2)
Publix Greenwise Market Top Sirloin Fillets $6.99lb (save up to $1.00lb)
Van's Waffles [7.5 to 12oz pkg] $3.19
Kashi TLC Crackers [6-9oz] 2 for $5.00
Seventh Generation Products [assorted varieties 22 to 80ct or 25 to 100oz pkg]
25% offPublix Reuseable Bag 5 for $4.00
Kashi Cereal or granola [7.5 to 17.5 oz] 2 for $5.00 (save up .58 on 2)
Stonyfield Farm Yogurt [assorted varieties 6-oz cup ] 10 for $6.00 (save up $2.00 on 10)
Traditional Medicinals Herbal Tea bags 16ct box $3.99
Publix Greenwise Market Organic Lemonade 64oz bot 2 for $5.00
Here is the upcoming ad.
Mueller's Pasta [Assorted Varities, 12 or 16 oz box, excluding noodles] BOGO (save up to $1.39)$.55/1 3-1 SS
La Famiglia DelGrosso Pasta Sauce, [Assorted Varities, All Natural, 26oz jar] BOGO (save up to $7.99)
Fast Classics Flame Roasted Chicken Breast[Fully cooked, 20 oz pkg.] BOGO (Save up to $7.99)
Mott's 100% Apple Juice [or Mott's for Tot's, Plus Kids health, or Plus Light. Assorted variities, 64-oz bot. Quanity rights reserved] BOGO (save up $2.95)
Juicy Juice 100% Premium Juice [Assorted Varieties, 64-oz bot. Quanity rights reserved] BOGO (save up to $3.49)
Hun'ts Tomatoes [Assorted varieties, 14.5 oz can. Quanity rights reserved] BOGO (save up to $1.39)
Crystal Light Drink or On the Go Mix [or Iced Tea mix, LiveActive, or Immunity, Assorted Varities, 10 or 12 qt cnstr. or 10 or 14- ct box. Quanity Rights reserved. BOGO (save up to $3.99)
B2G1 manu coupon 3/29 SS
General Mills Cheerios Cereal [Assorted Varieties, 10.4 to 14-oz box or Frosted Cheerios, 17.2-oz box. Quanity Rights reserved] BOGO (Save up to $4.29)
Kellogg's Cereal [Assorted Varieties, Smart Start, 14.7 to 17.5-oz, Raisin Bran, 25.5oz, Raisin Bran Crunch, 18.2 oz or Corn Flakes, 24 oz box. Qty rights reserved.)Quaker Chewey Granola Bars [Assorted Varieties, 7.9 or 8.4-oz box. Qty rights reserved] BOGO (save up to $2.99)
Betty Crocker Potatoes [Assorted Varieties, 4.6 to 6.6-oz box. Qty rights reserved] BOGO (save up to $1.59)
Pompeian EVOO [32-oz bot. Qtr rights reseved] BOGO (save up $11.99)
Kraft BBQ Sauce [Assorted Varieties, 16.25 or 18-oz bot. Qty rights reserved) BOGO (save up $1.59)
Ken's Steak House Marinade or Buffalo Wing Sauce [Assorted varieties, 16-oz bot. Qty rights reserved] BOGO (save up to $2.79)
$1.00/1 3-8 SS
Pam Cooking Spray [Assorted Varieties, 5 or 6-oz can(Excluding Organic and Professional) Qty rights reserved] BOGO (save up $3.39)
Lysol Disinfectant Bathroom Cleaner [Removes soap scum Island Breeze, Mildew Remover with Bleach, 32-oz bot. Qty rights reserved] BOGO (save up $3.39)
Kashi Granola Bars [Assorted Varieties, 6.7 to 8.4-oz box. Qty rights reserved] BOGO (save up $3.89)
Toufayah Wrap [plain, wheat, garlic pesto or tomato basil, 10-oz pkg. Qty rights reseved] BOGO (save up to $1.99)
Nabisco Toasted Chips [assorted varieties, 8.1-oz bag. Qty rights reserved] BOGO (save up $3.39)
M&M's Chocolate Candies [snickers, milky way, 3 musketeers, twix minis or m&m's, snickers, twix mix fun size. Assorted varieties. 34.5 to 42-oz bag. Qty rights reserved] BOGO (save up $10.99)
Arnold WholeGrains Bread [or grains, & more Double Fiber. Assorted Varieties, 24-oz Loaf. Qty rights reserved] BOGO (save up $3.69)
Sargento Shredded Cheese [sunbursts, assorted varieties, 5 to 8-oz pkg. Qty rights reserved] BOGO (save up $3.19)Other Sale Items
Boneless Chicken Breasts $1.99lb (save up $2.50lb)
Tomatoes on the vine $1.99lb
Fresh Tilapia Fillets $6.39lb
Fresh Express Salad Blends 2 FOR $5.00 [5-12-oz bag]
Sour Dough Round French Bread $2.59 (save up to $1.00)
New York Strip Steaks $7.99lb (save up to $3.99lb)
Top Round London Broil $2.99lb (save up $1.90lb)
T-Bone or Porterhouse Steaks $8.99lb (save up $1.90lb)
Ground Chuck Patties $3.29lbGround Chuck $2.99 lb
Boneless Beef Chuck or Top Round Steaks $3.29lb
Hormel Fully Cooked Meat Entrees 2 for $8.00 (save up to $5.98 on 2)
Perdue Short Cuts Chicken Breasts 2 for $6.00 [roasted, italian, honey roasted or southwestern' oven roasted turkey breast, 9-oz pkg]
Oscar Mayer Sliced Bacon 2 for $6.00[Original, lower sodium, thick or maple 16-oz pkg]
Publix regular Sliced Lunch Meats 2 for $5.00 [ham, cooked or honey; Turkey Breast, smoked or over roasted] 10-oz pkg]
Boneless Pork Loin Chops $3.99lb (save up to $1.40lb) [butterflied, publix pork, all natural and full-flaor]
Chuck Pot Roast $2.99lb (save up to $1.60lb)
Medium Cooked Shrimp [41 to 50 per pound large white shrimp, 31 to 35 per pound, previously frozen, Farm-Raised] $5.99lb
Fresh Yellowfiin Tuna Portions $7.99 [boneless, skinless, never frozen, wild harvested 6-oz each]
Publix Whole Turkey Sub $4.99 (save up to $1.40)
8-Piece Fried Chicken $6.49 (save up $.80)
Chocolate Chip Cookies 13 ct $3.89 (save up $.96)
Danish Pecan Ring $3.99 (save up to $1.30)
Glazed Donuts, 6ct $2.69
Granola Bark $6.29lb (save up $1.20lb)
Angel Food Cake $3.99
Boars Head BBQ Roasted Chicken Breast $7.69lb
Boar's Head Swedish Fontina $8.39lb
Publix 12-pack Assorted Soft Drinks 3 for $7.00 (save up to $.50 on 3)
Glaceau Vitaminwater [20-oz bot.] Buy 2 get 1 Free (save up $1.49)$1.00/1 3/29 SS12-pk
Selected Coca-cola products 3 for $12.00 [12-oz can]
Deer Park natural Spring Water [3-L bot] 10 for $10.00
Publix Wheat Snacks, Baked wheat Crackers [assorted varieties, 14 to 15.25-oz pkg. Qty rights reserved] $2.29
Publix Premium English Muffins or Bagels [Assorted varieties, 6-ct 12 or 20-oz pkg] 2 for $4.00
Plantars Cashews or Mixed Nuts [assorted varieites, 9.25 to 11.5oz can. Limit two] $2.99
Corona 12 pk [bot or can] $12.99 (save up $2.00)
Samuel Adams 6pk Assorted $6.99[beer or ale, 12-oz bot] $6.99 (save up $.70)
Popsicle Ice Pops [fudgsicle or creamsicle, assorted varieties, 26.4 oz to 39.6 oz box] 2 for $5.00 (save up $2.98 on 2)
California Pizza Kitchen Pizza [11.08 to 26.5-oz box ] 2 for $11.00
Mayfield Ice Cream [assorted varieties] 2 for $6.00 (save up to $3.98 on 2)
Breakstones Cottage Cheese [large curd, lowfat 2% milk, small curd, lowfat or smooth and creamy, 16-oz cup] 2 for $4.00 (save up $.98 on2 )
Kellogg's Eggo Waffles [assorted varieties, 17.2 to 19.8-oz box ] 2 for $4.00
Stouffer's Lean Cusine [ assorted varieites 6 to 12.5-oz box ] 4 $10.00
Jell-o snacks [6-pk, 3.25 to 4-oz cup] 3 for $6.00
Eggland's Best large Eggs [12ct ctn] 2 for $4.00
Nestle Coffee-mate coffee creamer [32-oz bot] 2 for $5.00
Pantene Pro-V Hair Care Products [25.4oz bot or Head & Shoulders 23 or 23.7 oz bot. or Clairol
Nice'N easy hair color, each. Assorted varieties, excluding perfect 10] $5.99 (save up $1.00)
Aleve Pain Reliever [assorted varieties, 80 or 100ct bot (24 free tablets or caplets on select products, while quantities available)] $6.99 (save up $3.20)
Always Pads [Assorted varieties, 20 to 44 oz pkg or Tampax tampons, 40ct box(excluding always clean and jumbo packs)] $5.49
Mucinex Expertorant or DM Expectorant Cough Suppressant, Reg or Max strength extended release bi-layer tablets, 12 hour, 28 or 40ct box] $18.99
Hawaiian Tropic Suncare Products [assorted varieties, 6 to 16oz pkg](excluding lip and stick products) $6.69
Dial Liquid Hand Soap [assorted varieties, 7.5oz to 11.25oz bot.] 4 for $5.00 (save up to $1.36 on 4)
Huggies Supreme Diapers or snug and dry [assorted varieties, 48 to 96 ct box] $19.99
Similac Infant Formula Powder [assorted varieties, advance, isomil advance with iron, DHA & ARA or Sensitive with iron 23.2oz can] $21.49
One a Day Multivitamin [men's women's or max 60ct bot] $8.99
Coupon for $3.00 off Duracell Alkaline batteries [assorted varieties with the purchase of any 9 volt, 2-ct or "C" or "D" 4-ct or "AA" or "AAA" 8ct or larger ( one deal per coupon per customer)
Brita Pitcher Replacement Filters 3-ct box $13.99 (save up to $5.00)
Pedigree Dry Dog Food [assorted varieties, 15.9 to 20lb bag] $11.99 (save up to $3.00)
Pedigree Complete Nutrition Dog Food [assorted varieties, 22oz can] 5 for $5.00
Purex Ultra Laundry Detergent [2X concentrated or Natural Elements, assorted varieties, 100-oz bot. ] $4.99 (save up $2.80)
Clorox Green Works Natural Cleaner [assorted varieties 24 to 32 oz bot or dishwashing liquid, 22 oz bot. or wipes ] 2 for $5.00 (save up $.98 on 2)
Febreze Air Effects Air Refresher [9.7oz can] 2 for $5.00
Fantastik cleaner [26 to 32 oz bot. ] 2 for $4.00
Mr. Clean Cleaner [ assorted varieties, multi-surface with febreze or multi purpose 40oz bot. ] $2.49
Kleenx Viva Paper Towels [premium or choose a size 8 roll pkg] $6.99 (save up to $3.20)Kleenz
Cottonelle Toilet Paper [ double roll, with ripples or ultra, aloe&E giant role, 12-roll pkg] $6.99 (save up $1.26)
Glad Tall Kitchen Bags [drawstring, forceflex stretchable strength or reg 13 gal , 65 or 78 ct pkgs] $8.99 (save up $2.00)
Glad Zipper Freezer or Storage Bags [value pack, gallon or qt size, 30 to 50 ct pkg] 2 for 5.00
Kleenx Viva Paper Towels [assorted varieties, big roll, 1-roll pkg] $1.89
Dixie Plates [soak proof, 8 5/8 or 10 1/16 ultra 40-100ct pkg. 16oz plastic party cups, value pak 68ct pkg] $3.49
Pyrex Bakeware Storage4-cup storage w/ red lid $2.997-cup storage w/red lid $6.998'square baking dish $12.992-qt clear oblong baking dish $12.993-qt clear oblong baking dish $14.992.5-qt teardrop bowl $12.992-cup measuing cup $5.994-cup measuring cup $6.999 1/2 clear pie plate $10.9912x16 cutting board $14.991 1/2 qt clear loaf pan $12.995-qt teardrop bowl $14.99
Orgainc Florida Organges 4-lb bag $2.99 (save up to $2.00)
Organic Valley Organic Milk 64oz ctn 2 for $7.00(save up to $.98 on 2)
Publix Greenwise Market Top Sirloin Fillets $6.99lb (save up to $1.00lb)
Van's Waffles [7.5 to 12oz pkg] $3.19
Kashi TLC Crackers [6-9oz] 2 for $5.00
Seventh Generation Products [assorted varieties 22 to 80ct or 25 to 100oz pkg]
25% offPublix Reuseable Bag 5 for $4.00
Kashi Cereal or granola [7.5 to 17.5 oz] 2 for $5.00 (save up .58 on 2)
Stonyfield Farm Yogurt [assorted varieties 6-oz cup ] 10 for $6.00 (save up $2.00 on 10)
Traditional Medicinals Herbal Tea bags 16ct box $3.99
Publix Greenwise Market Organic Lemonade 64oz bot 2 for $5.00
Sample of Idea Paint - make a dry erase board anywhere you want!
New Huggies Pure & Natural Daipers 3 pk sample (only for Newborn to size 2)
FREE class at Gymboree, for new attendees only (even you don’t sign up it still makes a fun free get out of the house event)
Join the Mighty Dog Nation and get a Dog citizenship kit and free dog tag
Get 1500 Delta Sky Miles free
Samples for Colgate, Purell and more. (you do have to answer questions to get samples)
Print your rebate form for Just for Men Touch of Gray!
Walmart has a new free sample of Gillette body wash or shampoo for men.
Another great free sample offer from SC Johnson's Right@Home website for Nature's Source All-Natural Cleaner.
Request your Simple & Delicious coupon booklet and get a coupon for a free 24 oz. bottle of Hunt's Ketchup. You can also print a Summer Savings Coupon form to receive $34 in coupons when you send a receipt showing at least $25 in purchases of participating brands. You will need to make an account first!
Walmart has a new free sample of Crest Pro-Health Enamel Shield toothpaste. And in case you missed the other Crest sample, you can also get a free sample of Crest Whitestrips Advanced Seal. Find out what other free samples Walmart is offering.
New Huggies Pure & Natural Daipers 3 pk sample (only for Newborn to size 2)
FREE class at Gymboree, for new attendees only (even you don’t sign up it still makes a fun free get out of the house event)
Join the Mighty Dog Nation and get a Dog citizenship kit and free dog tag
Get 1500 Delta Sky Miles free
Samples for Colgate, Purell and more. (you do have to answer questions to get samples)
Print your rebate form for Just for Men Touch of Gray!
Walmart has a new free sample of Gillette body wash or shampoo for men.
Another great free sample offer from SC Johnson's Right@Home website for Nature's Source All-Natural Cleaner.
Request your Simple & Delicious coupon booklet and get a coupon for a free 24 oz. bottle of Hunt's Ketchup. You can also print a Summer Savings Coupon form to receive $34 in coupons when you send a receipt showing at least $25 in purchases of participating brands. You will need to make an account first!
Walmart has a new free sample of Crest Pro-Health Enamel Shield toothpaste. And in case you missed the other Crest sample, you can also get a free sample of Crest Whitestrips Advanced Seal. Find out what other free samples Walmart is offering.
Free or nearly free at Bi-lo!
Here are the deals for Bi-lo that are free or nearly free! Thanks to Jenny at Southernsavers for putting some of these together!
Remember Bi0lo doubles coupons up to .60 and will take competitors coupons as well!
Eckrich Smoked Sausage 14 - 16 oz. Original or Beef - $ 3.99
-.55/1 Eckrich Smoked Sausage Product, SS 3/29 (makes it .90¢ ea)
Palermo’s Thin Crust Rustico or Hearth Italia Pizza - $6.29
-$1 off Palermo’s printable (makes it $2.15 ea)
Pop Secret Popcorn 3 Pack - $2.63-
$1/2 Pop Secret Microwave Popcorn, SS 3/8 (buy 2, makes it .82¢ ea)
-.50/1 Pop Secret Microwave Popcorn, SS 3/8 (makes it .32¢ ea)
-.50/2 Pop Secret Microwave Popcorn, SS 3/8 (buy 2, makes it .82¢ ea)
Hefty Foam Plates 50 Count or Hefty ElegantWare Plates 16-24 Ct. - $ 2.55
-$1 Hefty Hearty Meals or Hefty ElegantWare Plates or Bowls, RP 1/18 (makes ElegantWare .28¢ ea)
Hefty OneZip Storage or Freezer Bags 13-22 Ct. or Sandwich Bags 35 Ct.
- $2.51-.55/1 Hefty OneZip Bags, RP 1/25, 3/29 (makes it .16¢ ea)
Spot Shot Carpet Stain Remover 22 oz. - $4.73
-.55/1 Spot Shot Instant Carpet Stain & Odor Eliminator Products, SS 4/05 (makes it $1.27 ea)
-$1 off Spot Shot printable (makes it $1.37 ea)
Lawry’s Seasoned Salt 8 oz. - .95¢
-.50/1 Lawry’s Seasoning Blend, Any RP 4/05 (makes it FREE plus overage)
Cattlemens BBQ Sauce 18 oz. - $2.05
-.50/1 Cattlemens printable (will make it near FREE) - says .75/1 but will print .50/1
Keebler Ready Pie Crust 9 inch - $1.94
- .30/1 Keebler Ready Crust Pie Crust, RP 3/29 (makes it .37¢ ea)
- .55/1 Keebler Ready Crust Pie Crust, RP 3/29 (makes it FREE plus overage)
Pillsbury Brownies 13.5 - 20 oz. - $1.92
-.35/1 Pillsbury Brownie Mix, RP 3/29 (makes it .26¢ ea)
-$1/2 Pillsbury Brownie Mix, RP 3/29 (buy 2, makes it .46¢ ea)
Blistex Deep Renewal - $2.35 ea.
-.35/1 Blistex Lip Care Product, SS 2/08 (makes it .48¢ ea)
Kraft Salad Dressing - $2.75
-$1.50 off any Kraft Salad Dressing, Any 16 Oz. + SS 3/29 (makes it FREE plus overage)
-$1 off any Kraft Dressing, March Sunset Mag.
Dole Pineapple 20 oz. or Tropical Fruit Salad or Mandarin Oranges 15 oz - $1.35
-.50/1 Dole Canned Fruit, Any - Good Housekeeping, May 2009 (makes it FREE plus overage)
-$1/3 Dole Canned Fruit, Any SS 3/29 (buy 3, makes it .34¢ ea)
-.55/2 Dole Canned Fruit, Any SS 3/29 (buy 2, makes it .25¢ ea)
Breakstone’s Sour Cream 16 oz. - $1.00 ea
-$1/2 Breakstone’s Sour Cream, 16 oz or larger SS 3/29 (makes it .50¢ ea)
-.55/1 Breakstone’s Sour Cream, 16 oz or larger SS 3/29 (makes it FREE plus overage)
Shedd’s Country Crock $2 ea
-.55/1 Shedd’s Country Crock printable (IE) or printable (FF) (makes it .90¢ ea)
Land O Lakes Butter $2 ea
-.55/1 Land O lakes in store dispenser or printable (makes it .90¢ ea)
-.50/1 or .55/1 Land O Lakes Butter SS 3/29
Mueller’s Lasagna or Egg Noodles 12-16 oz. - $1.50 ea
-.55/2 Muellers printable (buy 2, makes it .95¢ ea)
-.55/2 Mueller’s Noodles, SS 3/01 (buy 2, makes it .40¢ ea)
-$1/3 Muellers printable (buy 3, makes it $1.17 ea)
Domino Sugar 5 lb. bag - $1.99
-.35/1 Domino Granulated Sugar, Any 4lb- 5lb RP 3/15, 4/5 (makes it $1.29 ea)
-.65/2 Domino Sugar 2lbs. or larger March Better Homes & Gardens, April Redbook, April
Woman’s Day (makes it $1.67 ea)
Green Giant Boil in Bag Vegetables 7 - 10 oz. - $1.00 ea
-.50/2 Green Giant Frozen Boxed Vegetables SS 4/5 (buy 2, makes it .50¢ ea)
-.50/2 Green Giant Vegetables, Any RP 3/15 (buy 2, makes it .50¢ ea)
Olay Bar Soap 2pk $2 ea
-$2 off any Olay Soap PG 4/5 (makes it FREE)
Gillette Shave Gel $1 ea
-$1 off Gillette Shave Gel PG 4/05 (makes it FREE)
Remember Bi0lo doubles coupons up to .60 and will take competitors coupons as well!
Eckrich Smoked Sausage 14 - 16 oz. Original or Beef - $ 3.99
-.55/1 Eckrich Smoked Sausage Product, SS 3/29 (makes it .90¢ ea)
Palermo’s Thin Crust Rustico or Hearth Italia Pizza - $6.29
-$1 off Palermo’s printable (makes it $2.15 ea)
Pop Secret Popcorn 3 Pack - $2.63-
$1/2 Pop Secret Microwave Popcorn, SS 3/8 (buy 2, makes it .82¢ ea)
-.50/1 Pop Secret Microwave Popcorn, SS 3/8 (makes it .32¢ ea)
-.50/2 Pop Secret Microwave Popcorn, SS 3/8 (buy 2, makes it .82¢ ea)
Hefty Foam Plates 50 Count or Hefty ElegantWare Plates 16-24 Ct. - $ 2.55
-$1 Hefty Hearty Meals or Hefty ElegantWare Plates or Bowls, RP 1/18 (makes ElegantWare .28¢ ea)
Hefty OneZip Storage or Freezer Bags 13-22 Ct. or Sandwich Bags 35 Ct.
- $2.51-.55/1 Hefty OneZip Bags, RP 1/25, 3/29 (makes it .16¢ ea)
Spot Shot Carpet Stain Remover 22 oz. - $4.73
-.55/1 Spot Shot Instant Carpet Stain & Odor Eliminator Products, SS 4/05 (makes it $1.27 ea)
-$1 off Spot Shot printable (makes it $1.37 ea)
Lawry’s Seasoned Salt 8 oz. - .95¢
-.50/1 Lawry’s Seasoning Blend, Any RP 4/05 (makes it FREE plus overage)
Cattlemens BBQ Sauce 18 oz. - $2.05
-.50/1 Cattlemens printable (will make it near FREE) - says .75/1 but will print .50/1
Keebler Ready Pie Crust 9 inch - $1.94
- .30/1 Keebler Ready Crust Pie Crust, RP 3/29 (makes it .37¢ ea)
- .55/1 Keebler Ready Crust Pie Crust, RP 3/29 (makes it FREE plus overage)
Pillsbury Brownies 13.5 - 20 oz. - $1.92
-.35/1 Pillsbury Brownie Mix, RP 3/29 (makes it .26¢ ea)
-$1/2 Pillsbury Brownie Mix, RP 3/29 (buy 2, makes it .46¢ ea)
Blistex Deep Renewal - $2.35 ea.
-.35/1 Blistex Lip Care Product, SS 2/08 (makes it .48¢ ea)
Kraft Salad Dressing - $2.75
-$1.50 off any Kraft Salad Dressing, Any 16 Oz. + SS 3/29 (makes it FREE plus overage)
-$1 off any Kraft Dressing, March Sunset Mag.
Dole Pineapple 20 oz. or Tropical Fruit Salad or Mandarin Oranges 15 oz - $1.35
-.50/1 Dole Canned Fruit, Any - Good Housekeeping, May 2009 (makes it FREE plus overage)
-$1/3 Dole Canned Fruit, Any SS 3/29 (buy 3, makes it .34¢ ea)
-.55/2 Dole Canned Fruit, Any SS 3/29 (buy 2, makes it .25¢ ea)
Breakstone’s Sour Cream 16 oz. - $1.00 ea
-$1/2 Breakstone’s Sour Cream, 16 oz or larger SS 3/29 (makes it .50¢ ea)
-.55/1 Breakstone’s Sour Cream, 16 oz or larger SS 3/29 (makes it FREE plus overage)
Shedd’s Country Crock $2 ea
-.55/1 Shedd’s Country Crock printable (IE) or printable (FF) (makes it .90¢ ea)
Land O Lakes Butter $2 ea
-.55/1 Land O lakes in store dispenser or printable (makes it .90¢ ea)
-.50/1 or .55/1 Land O Lakes Butter SS 3/29
Mueller’s Lasagna or Egg Noodles 12-16 oz. - $1.50 ea
-.55/2 Muellers printable (buy 2, makes it .95¢ ea)
-.55/2 Mueller’s Noodles, SS 3/01 (buy 2, makes it .40¢ ea)
-$1/3 Muellers printable (buy 3, makes it $1.17 ea)
Domino Sugar 5 lb. bag - $1.99
-.35/1 Domino Granulated Sugar, Any 4lb- 5lb RP 3/15, 4/5 (makes it $1.29 ea)
-.65/2 Domino Sugar 2lbs. or larger March Better Homes & Gardens, April Redbook, April
Woman’s Day (makes it $1.67 ea)
Green Giant Boil in Bag Vegetables 7 - 10 oz. - $1.00 ea
-.50/2 Green Giant Frozen Boxed Vegetables SS 4/5 (buy 2, makes it .50¢ ea)
-.50/2 Green Giant Vegetables, Any RP 3/15 (buy 2, makes it .50¢ ea)
Olay Bar Soap 2pk $2 ea
-$2 off any Olay Soap PG 4/5 (makes it FREE)
Gillette Shave Gel $1 ea
-$1 off Gillette Shave Gel PG 4/05 (makes it FREE)
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
My Favorite Grocery stores!
So on my couponing adventures I had found groceries stores that I love and those that I really just hate... The hates include Food Lion and Kroger most of the time but Food Lion all the time. Food Lion doesn't double coupons, they have a horrible meat and seafood selection and they really don't have good deals that often. The only upside to Food Lion is their coupons that they put out that I can use at Bi-lo and Publix! Kroger changed their internet coupon policy to only 2 coupons per transaction and their employees aren't very nice at all so I don't shop there as often as I use to. The upside of Kroger is they double coupons up to .50, they have pretty good sales like buy 10 items get $5 off or buy 3 items get $3 off. They also have a gas perks program that gives you .10 off per gallon when you spend $100 and thats prior to coupons! Ive paid $40 but prior to coupons it was $110 so I got gas perks!
Publix, man I don't have alot to say against Publix except if you just shop there without coupons they are alot more expensive than most other stores. They have changed their coupon policy which kinda put me off since they didn't post it anywhere and I had to find out about it when I was trying to pay and use my coupons! They always have a really great selection of BOGO's each week and they put out 2 coupons books monthly and seasonly which makes for a pretty great shopping trip! PLUS! They have outstanding customer service! Even when I was seriously angry with them for changing coupon policy without posting it they did everything they could to apologize.
My other favorite thats been coming back is Bi-lo and yes dad Bi-lo! LOL I stopped shopping there because the deals were going downhill and then dealing with their lack of customer service and baggers didnt help the matter BUT I have to say they have been coming around! The past few weeks their ads have been getting alot better and I my closest Bi-lo their cashiers are really nice and though they may not really know all that they should they typically try and figure it out.
Let me just say most grocery stores lately have been doing everything they can to get you into their stores which will mean great deals for those of us that are cutting coupons and watching ads! Plus when something happens that you don't like at a grocery store don't feel like you are complaining if you talk to a manager! How will they fix an issue if they don't know about it. Being a former manager of a small business we don't always know that a toilet is over flowing or an employee sits in the back for 10 minutes while you stand in the store waiting.
Happy couponing!!!
Publix, man I don't have alot to say against Publix except if you just shop there without coupons they are alot more expensive than most other stores. They have changed their coupon policy which kinda put me off since they didn't post it anywhere and I had to find out about it when I was trying to pay and use my coupons! They always have a really great selection of BOGO's each week and they put out 2 coupons books monthly and seasonly which makes for a pretty great shopping trip! PLUS! They have outstanding customer service! Even when I was seriously angry with them for changing coupon policy without posting it they did everything they could to apologize.
My other favorite thats been coming back is Bi-lo and yes dad Bi-lo! LOL I stopped shopping there because the deals were going downhill and then dealing with their lack of customer service and baggers didnt help the matter BUT I have to say they have been coming around! The past few weeks their ads have been getting alot better and I my closest Bi-lo their cashiers are really nice and though they may not really know all that they should they typically try and figure it out.
Let me just say most grocery stores lately have been doing everything they can to get you into their stores which will mean great deals for those of us that are cutting coupons and watching ads! Plus when something happens that you don't like at a grocery store don't feel like you are complaining if you talk to a manager! How will they fix an issue if they don't know about it. Being a former manager of a small business we don't always know that a toilet is over flowing or an employee sits in the back for 10 minutes while you stand in the store waiting.
Happy couponing!!!
What a crazy weekend! Menu plan is getting pushed back!
So the menu plan got pushed back on Saturday because my uncle Doug and his family came to visit so I made a quick salsa and macaronni and cheese and headed to my moms for the afternoon which was really fun even though Noah was still not feeling 100%. About 7 Darien wasn't feeling well and the boys were getting cranky so we headed home where Darien informed me that he didn't feel good... That was the begining of bad weekend. Darien was up most of the night sick then at 5 I was sick then Noah woke up throwing up then of course Conner woke up at 745 and apparenlty had thrown up a few times and hadn't even woken us up!! Im not sure how to deal with my independant child but thats besides the point... By late Sunday afternoon everyone was feeling better except Noah who hadn't eaten anything and pretty much gagged at the site of a bottle. So by 6 we went to the hopsital since he hadn't eaten anything for about 24 hours at this point. And after 4 hours at the hospital, some meds, 2 oz of pedialyte and 2 cranky parents who hadn't eaten later we were able to go home. Thankfully my mom came and got Conner after 2 hours so he could go home because the poor kid has too much energy for a tiny room with nothing to do!
So of course the menu got delayed yet again since we didnt get home till 11! Noah is still not really eating very well which means we are probably going back to the Dr. tomorrow... So shrimp scampi was last night but it got changed to yummy shrimp and scallop scampi! :) I think Darien gets annoyed with me because he will ask me what I put it in or where i got the recipe for things when most things I just take from my head or find a recipe and change alot of things. Like last night I made the cream sauce from my head and what I felt like I wanted so I just made it and taste tested along the way. So when Darien asks me what it is I really don't have a name for it. :)
So back to the menu! Tonight we are skipping the meatloaf and going to the rice and meat skillet casserole.
So of course the menu got delayed yet again since we didnt get home till 11! Noah is still not really eating very well which means we are probably going back to the Dr. tomorrow... So shrimp scampi was last night but it got changed to yummy shrimp and scallop scampi! :) I think Darien gets annoyed with me because he will ask me what I put it in or where i got the recipe for things when most things I just take from my head or find a recipe and change alot of things. Like last night I made the cream sauce from my head and what I felt like I wanted so I just made it and taste tested along the way. So when Darien asks me what it is I really don't have a name for it. :)
So back to the menu! Tonight we are skipping the meatloaf and going to the rice and meat skillet casserole.
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